A Final Thought about the Durban-2 Meeting
It should again be stressed that every country in the world--except for the 10 boycotting altogether now--Israel, the US, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Italy, Germany, Poland, the Netherlands and the Czech Republic--is now going to endorse the meeting's Final Resolution which basically advocates a twenty-first century Final Solution.*
As Western countries in many cases advocate or implement friendly contacts with openly genocidal forces--Iran, Hamas, Hizballah, and Muslim Brotherhoods--they have just condemned the existence of Israel, a democratic state, and justified its extinction. Maybe they don't think of it that way--in most cases they don't--but they have just provided the rationale for its destruction. After all, if it is so evil, "racist," and oppressive why should it be allowed to go on existing?
As Western countries in many cases advocate or implement friendly contacts with openly genocidal forces--Iran, Hamas, Hizballah, and Muslim Brotherhoods--they have just condemned the existence of Israel, a democratic state, and justified its extinction. Maybe they don't think of it that way--in most cases they don't--but they have just provided the rationale for its destruction. After all, if it is so evil, "racist," and oppressive why should it be allowed to go on existing?
Continued - A Final Thought about the Durban-2 Mee
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