Sunday, September 21, 2008

Yaalon: Military confrontation with Iran unavoidable

Yaalon is probably right, as an objective statement of fact, that a military confrontation with Iran is unavoidable. Nobody should be reckless enough though, to think that such a confrontation would be "good for Israel." Every friend of Israel must work to prepare for the worst in every way possible, and at the same time work to try to avoid war if it is at all possible.
Ami Isseroff
Last update - 16:13 21/09/2008       
Ex-IDF chief: Israel can't avoid a military confrontation with Iran
By Reuters
Former Israel Defense Forces chief of staff Moshe "Boogie" Ya'alon on Sunday said Israel will not be able to avoid a military confrontation with Iran and called on the international community to stand up to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad like they did against Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany.
"Today, we in the West are facing the same situation, the lack of decisiveness towards a threat that is no less severe than that which Hitler posed in 1939."
Ya'alon's statements came hours after Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad vowed Sunday to stop any attacker before he can "pull the trigger."
Ahmadinejad also said sanctions intended to isolate the Islamic Republic have not worked, in a speech before a military parade on Sunday.
The United States and its allies are seeking to step up UN sanctions on Iran over its disputed nuclear plans, which the West says a bid to build nuclear arms. Iran denies this.
There has been persistent speculation Washington or Israel might launch strikes on Iran's nuclear sites, as neither country has ruled out military action if diplomacy fails to end the row.
"If anybody dares to offend the boundaries of the Iranian nation, the Iranian nation's holy land and Iran's legal interests, our armed forces ... will break his hand before he can pull the trigger," Ahmadinejad said.
He was speaking at a parade broadcast live on state television to mark the start of the Iran-Iraq war in September 1980. Hundreds of troops then marched in formation in front of the president's podium.
"Today, Iran is not in a position to show even the smallest flexibility against the bullying of the enemies. History has shown that those who wish ill for Iran will gain nothing but regret," he said.
"The enemies of humanity ... had imagined that by military attack and economic and scientific sanctions they could break down our revolution and our nation," he said, adding that Iran's enemies had "lost hope".
Iran, the world's fourth largest oil producer, says it wants to master nuclear technology to make electricity so it can preserve more of its vast oil and gas reserves for export.
But its failure to convince world powers of its peaceful intentions has prompted three rounds of limited UN sanctions. ashington is pushing for a fourth, but China and Russia -- two of the five veto-wielding council members -- are reluctant.
Iran has dismissed reports of possible U.S. or Israeli plans to strike Iran, but says it would respond by attacking U.S. interests and Israel if any such assault was made

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