Sunday, September 21, 2008

Iranian General Killed in Clashes with Rebels

We hope this rebellion is not someone's idea of "regime change." Jundalla in power would make Mr. Ahmadinejad look like a Quaker pacifist.
Iranian General Killed in Clashes with Rebels
Fars News Agency [Iran] Saturday 20 Sep 2008

TEHRAN (FNA)- Four members of the Iranian security forces, including a general, have been killed in clashes with rebels in southeastern Iran, a police official said on Friday.

"During clashes with armed rebels on Thursday night, Brigadier General Mohammad Sar-Golzaie was killed" in Sistan-Baluchestan province, a local police commander, Salah Asgari, told FNA.

He said the general was killed during mopping up operations in the Nosratabad area northwest of the provincial capital Zahedan.

He said three other soldiers had been killed in fighting in recent days without specifying where. "Several rebels were also killed," he added.

Sistan-Baluchestan has seen a spate of attacks by terrorist group Jundullah (Soldiers of God) in recent years.

The province borders Afghanistan and Pakistan and is a major drug trafficking route.

Over three thousand Iranian police and security forces have been killed in clashes with drug traffickers in southeastern country since the 1978 Islamic Revolution.

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