Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Right of Return?? The Middle East's Jewish refugees

The Middle East's forgotten Jewish refugees -update 54 - 01.05.07

1. At its meeting of February 25, 2007, the Israeli Cabinet named  MinisterRafi Eitan to be responsible for the issue of the rights of those Jews who left Arab countries as refugees. The Cabinet also established a ministerial committee, to be chaired by Minister Eitan, and a steering committee.

On his first day in office the newly appointed Justice Minister, Prof. Daniel Friedmann, met Malcolm Hoenlein, Executive Vice Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations and Stanley Urman, Director of Justice for Jews in Arab Countries to review the Justice Ministry's mandate to pursue rights for Jewish refugees from Arab countries. They discussed avenues for legal redress for Jews displaced from Arab countries and efforts in Israel and in Diaspora Jewish communities to register individual and communal losses. An international campaign is underway.

2. The 40th anniversary of the Six-Day War  in June is also the anniversary of the start of the final exodus of Jews from Libya, Tunisia, Egypt and Morocco and a period of intensified repression against the Jews of Egypt, Syria and Iraq. Several commemorative events are taking place. 

If you or your family lived in an Arab or Islamic country please register
your story and lost assets here

SUPPORT  U.S.  legislation to recognize Jewish refugees:

Visit: http://jewishrefugees.blogspot.com/ 'Point of no return

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