Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Ayalon: Olmert must go home

The report (in Hebrew) is here:
Ayalon changes his mind: Olmert must quit
Gil Hoffman, THE JERUSALEM POST May. 1, 2007

Labor leadership candidate Ami Ayalon announced Tuesday that after finishing reading the 150 page Winograd interim report, he had decided Prime Minister Ehud Olmert must quit.

Ayalon went on national TV Sunday evening to say that he did not believe Olmert should quit, but added that after reading the entire report, he decided that its conclusions were harsher than the leaks of the report that were broadcast Friday.

"The report found that Olmert and the Israeli leadership had failed personally and therefore the prime minister should not be allowed to continue in that position," Ayalon said.

Cross posted: Israel News   Middle East Analysis

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