Friday, April 6, 2007

London underground bombings: whodunit? Muslims (not the Mossad)

The ethnic and religious  identity of the militants (freedom fighters? AKA terrorists) who perpetrated the bombings in the London transportation system in 2005 is not really a mystery except in media headlines and in the minds of sick people. Most people in the Arab world are convinced, despite evidence to the contrary, that the bombings were perpetrated by the Israeli Mossad intelligence agency. Arab world editorials explain that nobody has ever been caught and the identity of the perpetrators is not known.
Here is a quote from an "anti-Zionist Web site:
Near simultaneous explosions rocked the London subway system and three double-decker buses during the morning rush hour on Thursday. At least 45 people were killed in the carnage.
The Mossad has been blowing up buses in Israel for years. The London bus was their MO, notice the timing with the G-8 conference, and as usual the target was poor immigrants.
What the news media isn't discussing is, Edgware Road station is the most heavily Arab-populated part of London.
Of course, the Mossad never blew up any busses, and certainly never killed any poor immigrants.
Headlines say "Three charged over London 2005 suicide bombings" like the one below (I added the word "Muslim" in brackets). Could you imagine what the headlines would say if the Israeli Mossad had really been involved???
The ethnic and religious identity of the suspects who were caught and charged is not mentioned in the headline.  It is alluded to deep in the text. It can  be surmised from their names, as the article says nothing at all about their re motivation:
The men -- identified as Waheed Ali, Sadeer Saleem and Mohammed Shakil -- were involved in the "reconnaissance and planning" of the attacks, in which four bombers blew themselves up on underground trains and a bus, police said.
Funny thing, those names don't sound Israeli or Jewish. In fact, the article tells us about the suicide bombers:
Here is another clue:
The four suicide bombers -- three of them Britons of Pakistani origin and one a naturalised Jamaican -- died when they set off rucksack bombs on three Underground trains and a double-decker bus.
And here is another clue:
At the time of their arrests police said detectives had been investigating at home and abroad since the July 7 bombings, which prompted soul-searching about the extent of Muslim integration in British society.

The suspected ringleader of the bombings, Mohamed Sidique Khan, and fellow bomber Shehzad Tanweer said in videos recorded before their deaths that British foreign policy, particularly in Iraq and Afghanistan, motivated their actions.
Anyhow, those who get their information from sites like "judicial-inc" should read the whole article below, carefully.
Ami Isseroff
Three [Muslims] charged over London 2005 suicide bombings

Thursday, April 05, 2007

by Lachlan Carmichael

British prosecutors charged three suspects Thursday over the July 7, 2005 suicide bombings in London which killed 52 commuters, the first indictments since the horrific attacks.

The men -- identified as Waheed Ali, Sadeer Saleem and Mohammed Shakil -- were involved in the "reconnaissance and planning" of the attacks, in which four bombers blew themselves up on underground trains and a bus, police said....

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