Friday, April 6, 2007

The fire next time: Christian Science Monitor in service of Iranian propaganda

Iranians and Syrians have started a fake propaganda war about a coming US or Israeli instigated war. Christian Science Monitor obliges them, by publishing the opinions of "analysts" that Israel is really planning a war. In this way, the absurd ideas of propagandists are clothed in the respectability of American journalism.
Here is the original:
Armed Forces Chief of Staff Major General Hassan Firouzabadi declared on Saturday that the international Zionism and the Zionist regime, being supported by American neoconservatists, are determined to implement a new plan in the center of Palestinian occupied territory...
And here is the translation into sane and respectable English of the Christian Science Monitor:
The prospect of an attack by the United States against Iran has triggered a flurry of military activity around the Middle East as Tehran mobilizes its allies to prepare a defense. In a region where suspicion dominates and trust is rare, politicians and analysts warn, mounting tensions between the US and Iran could spark a war by accident.
Ami Isseroff

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