Thursday, August 5, 2010

Tell Olympia Food Co-op what you think About BDS

The Olympia Food Coop has initiated approved a boycott of Israeli goods -- all Israeli goods. The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel is about ending Israel and Zionism, not "ending the occupation." The Olympia board knows that, but they blue-washed their support for genocide with a silly statement claiming they are just criticizing Israel.
Tell the Olympia Food Coop they are obstructing peace in the Middle East and supporting genocide.
Here are BDS people in their own words:
Interview with single-state and BDS activist Dr. Haidar Eid

Haidar Eid : As a One Democratic State supporter, it is amongst the corollaries of such a belief that Israel is a settler colonialist, Apartheid state and the methods- or, tools of struggle- used against Apartheid South Africa can be used as a model in our struggle against Apartheid Israel."

We are opposed to imperialism, sectarianism, and Zionism. (Bay Area Committee to End Israel Apartheid)
Here is a video about Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions:

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