Saturday, August 14, 2010

'The Desire to Shed Blood, to Smash Skulls, and to Sever Limbs for the Sake of Allah Is an Honor for the Believer'

MEMRI Special Dispatch|3163| August 12. 2010
Saudi Arabia/Jihad and Terrorism Studies Project

Saudi Cleric Muhammad Al-Arifi: 'The Desire to Shed Blood, to Smash Skulls,
and to Sever Limbs for the Sake of Allah Is an Honor for the Believer'

Following are excerpts from an address by Saudi cleric Muhammad Al-Arifi,
which aired on Egypt's Al-Rahma TV on July 19, 2010.
To view this clip on MEMRI TV, visit

Muhammad Al-Arifi: "There is no doubt that a person whom Allah enables to
sacrifice his soul, and to fight for the sake of Allah, has been graced with
a great honor. The Prophet Muhammad said that the dust of battle for the
sake of Allah and the smoke of Hell shall never meet in a man's nose. [...]
"Devotion to Jihad for the sake of Allah, and the desire to shed blood, to
smash skulls, and to sever limbs for the sake of Allah and in defense of His
religion, is, undoubtedly, an honor for the believer. [...]
"Allah said that if a man fights the infidels, the infidels will be unable
to prepare to fight [the Muslims]. By Allah, the infidel countries today –
the U.S. and its allies – dare to fight the Muslims, to rape their women and
turn them into widows, and to inflict their corruption on Islam and the
Muslims on a daily basis only because they see that the Muslims do not even
consider fighting the infidels and conquering their countries. [...]
"The Koranic verses that deal with fighting the infidels and conquering
their countries say that they should convert to Islam, pay the jizya poll
tax, or be killed. If the Muslims had implemented this, we would not have
reached the humiliation in which we find ourselves today."

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