Sunday, July 11, 2010

U.K. Ambassador to Lebanon blogs in support genocide and terror

Britain's ambassador to Lebanon seems to think terrorism and murdering the Jews is praiseworthy. She eulogized the late Hezbollah Sheikh Muhammad Hussein Fadlallah.
Under the headline "The passing of decent men," Frances Guy wrote Monday that "one of the privileges of being a diplomat is the people you meet; great and small, passionate and furious."
She said Fadlallah was the politician in Lebanon she had enjoyed meeting most.
"When you visited him you could be sure of a real debate, a respectful argument and you knew you would leave his presence feeling a better person. That for me is the real effect of a true man of religion; leaving an impact on everyone he meets, no matter what their faith. Sheikh Fadlallah passed away yesterday. Lebanon is a lesser place the day after but his absence will be felt well beyond Lebanon's shores."
True, Fadlallah was a relatively 'moderate' genocidal Hezbollah terrorist, and he disagreed with the mainstream leadership. But he was nonetheless an organizer and leader in a despicable group responsible for terror attacks against U.S. and French peace keeping forces as well as Israel, Jews abroad and other countries. Hezbollah's leader, Hassan Nasrallah, declared that the creation of Israel was a good thing, as all the Jews were gathering in one place and it would be easier to kill them.
Fadlallah himself claimed that Islam recognizes all religions including Judaism. He didn't add that while Jews and Christians are "recognized," Islam accords them second class dhimmi status. Despite disagreements with Hassan Nasrallah, Fadlallah never disociated himself from Hezbollah.
The blog post has since been removed by the British government.  
Ami Isseroff

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