Sunday, May 16, 2010

Terror Supporter Choudary Threatens UK Govt. Minister

Hate preacher Choudary issued veiled threats to newly-appointed UK Government Minister Sayeeda Warsi

Veiled or not – a threat is a threat and incitement is incitement:

New Tory chairman Sayeeda Warsi has been slammed by Islamic fundamentalists who warned she could be in physical danger if she visits Muslim communities.

The 39-year-old baroness is the first female Muslim to be given a full Cabinet position. But controversial preacher Anjem Choudary accused her of "betraying" her religion.

He told the Daily Star Sunday: "Sayeeda Warsi is not a Muslim in my eyes.

"She may look like a Muslim and have a Muslim-sounding name but she does not represent Islam or anyone in this country who is a Muslim. "She is a 'coconut', brown on the outside but white on the inside.

"In fact, she is whiter than most of the other white people in government. "How can she be a Muslim and support the military involvement of the British Army in Islamic countries?

Sayeeda Warsi has been promoted to Chair of the UK Conservative Party and has been appointed to Prime Minister David Cameron's new cabinet as Minister Without Portfolio

"She is somebody who pretends to be a practising Muslim but, from her views and statements, she is clearly against Sharia. "She is a disgrace and many true Muslims are angry that she claims to stand for Islam despite betraying Allah."

Choudary – whose group Islam4UK was banned by the last government – predicted that Baroness Warsi would become the focus of hate.

He said: "She will be attacked by eggs every time she goes near a Muslim community.

"Some more extreme protesters may take the attacks further. There is no doubt she is in danger."[from your Jihadi thugs, apparently - Ed.]

Meanwhile, Choudary and his supporters will head to Brussels on Saturday to join a mass protest against Belgium's bid to ban the burka. He stormed: "There will be hundreds of Muslims from Britain heading to Belgium to join with thousands of our brethren to fight against this tyranny.

"We will fight all attempts to destroy Islam. "There will be blood on the streets."

Baroness Warsi, who was born in Yorkshire of Pakistani parents, has already ­experienced hostility. She was pelted with eggs by Muslim protesters when she visited Luton, Bedfordshire, last year.

Married with one daughter, she describes herself as a "northern, working-class-roots mum". She gave up her job as a solicitor in 2004 to stand for parliament in her home town of Dewsbury, losing out to Labour's Shahid Malik.

Baroness Warsi was pelted with eggs by supporters of Anjem Choudary's now-banned al-Muhajiroun group, in Luton last year

She was also a special adviser on community relations to then Tory leader Michael Howard before becoming the party's vice-chairman. She says her admiration for Conservative principles was inspired by her father, who rose from mill worker to running a £2million-a-year bed manufacturing firm.

In 2005, she had to apologise after gay rights group Stonewall slammed her campaign ­leaflets for being anti-gay.

The controversial pamphlets said: "Labour has scrapped Section 28, which was ­introduced by the Conservatives to stop schools promoting alternative sexual lifestyles such as homosexuality to children as young as seven years old.

"Labour reduced the age of consent for homosexuality from 18 to 16, allowing schoolchildren to be propositioned for homosexual relationships."

We're not the biggest fans of Sayeeda Warsi by any measure – she is an apologist for Islam, peddling rose-tinted propaganda and extolling the 'Tiny Minority of Extremists™ theory, when the facts – poll after poll, widespread violent crimes against women and non-Muslims; and the enormous death toll of deadly Islamist attacks, patently do not support this.

However, she is not all bad and is certainly a far superior role model to Muslim youth than the disgraceful, terror-supporting Choudary. She does not deserve to be threatened by this grinning, self-satisfied thug and his assortment of low-IQ goons.

We believe that he crossed a line today – that his statements amounted to incitement in our view and will almost certainly escalate the likelihood of trouble at her future public appearances – thus endangering her personally.

This incident deserves to be investigated.

[Source: Daily Star Sunday]

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