Saturday, May 15, 2010

Moroccan Islamist resistance fighters deported from Italy ‘plotted to kill Pope’

If it had happened in Israel, they would have been called "activists" or "militants" or "resistance fighters" and HRW and Amnesty International would no doubt have intervened on their behalf.
Italy: Deported Moroccans 'plotted to kill Pope'
 By News on the Net  Friday, May 14, 2010
Rome, 13 May (AKI) - Two Moroccan terrorist suspects deported from Italy last month were allegedly plotting to kill Pope Benedict XVI, Italian weekly Panorama claims in its latest issue to be released on Friday. Mohammed Hlal and Errahmouni Ahmed were students at the University of Perugia until their repatriation to Morocco on 29 April.

"Hlal wanted to kill the Vatican's head of state (the pope), saying he was ready to assassinate him and gain his place in paradise," Italy's interior minister Roberto Maroni wrote in the expulsion order authorising Hlal and Ahmed's deportations, cited by Panorama.

Anti-terror police in Perugia intercepted Hlal discussing his plans to carry out attacks and readiness to obtain explosives for the attacks during a series of tapped telephone conversations, according to Panorama.

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