Sunday, April 25, 2010

Boobquake challenges Imam on Earthquakes

It is only a joke now, but when Iran controls the oil supplies, European countries and the USA may enact wife-beating laws, just as some are adopting Sharia law now.
Purdue senior organizes 'Boobquake' demonstration to refute imam's claims
Last Updated: 9:37 AM, April 23, 2010
Posted: 3:57 AM, April 23, 2010
Who knew a little jiggle could cause the earth to quake?
An Indiana college student is shaking her fist at an Islamic cleric's kooky claims that scantily clad gals are responsible for temblors -- and is recruiting tens of thousands of women to don "immodest" clothes next week, even at the risk of a rumble.
Purdue University senior Jennifer McCreight is staging "Boobquake" on Monday, asking women of the world to give an eyeful to Iranian cleric Hojatoleslam Kazem Sedighi.
Sedighi laid out his thick-headed theory last week, declaring that barely-there wear leads to "corrupt" men -- and then, naturally, earthquakes.
"Many women who do not dress modestly . . . lead young men astray, corrupt their chastity and spread adultery in society, which increases earthquakes," he said during a prayer in Tehran last week.
"What can we do to avoid being buried under the rubble? There is no other solution but to take refuge in religion and to adapt our lives to Islam's moral codes."
McCreight, through her blog, Blag Hag, is calling for ladies to flash a little more leg (or other flesh) than usual, so Sedighi will know science stacks up well against his goofy geological theories.
"What we want is for women to wear something that's a little more immodest than what they'd normally wear, maybe shorts or a low-cut shirt," McCreight told The Post yesterday.
McCreight, 22, says she isn't going overboard in her bra-busting protest. The genetics major plans to dress in a tank top, a shade sexier than her normal T-shirt look.
"It's a personal statement for anyone who wants to take part in what they consider 'immodest,' " she said. "To some people, showing ankle might be 'immodest,' and that'd be fine."
"The main thing is to show we don't need to put up with this kind of supernatural anti-science. Sometimes the best way to attack this is with comic mockery."
More than 45,000 presumably female readers of McCreight's Web site have volunteered to take part in Boobquake.
So what happens if the world's flesh-flashing women do spawn deadly quakes?
"A lot of my guy friends are saying, 'Well, at least that'd be a good way to go out,' " said McCreight.

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