Sunday, October 18, 2009

Chickens coming home to roost: IRGC commanders killed in suicide bombing

Those who know a bit of Middle East history understand the deep irony of the suicide attack on Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps commanders.  The Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) entered Lebanon in 1982 and trained the Hezbollah. The Hezbollah soon carried out the first of several suicide bombings. The first one was against an Israeli army barracks in Lebanon, attributed by Israel to gas cylinders exploding. Then there were suicide attacks against American marines and others.
The proverbial chickens have now come home to roost. Someone, probably sent by Al-Qaeda, evidently blew themselves up in order to kill five or more IRGC commanders in Iran. What goes around, comes around. Once the genie of terror is out of the bottle, it is hard to replace it.  
Don't even think about gloating. It does not require sympathy with the Ayatollah regime to understand that a take over by Al-Qaeda would be far worse. In the Middle East, the bad regimes are always protected by the fact that the replacement would be worse, no matter how bad the regime may be.
Ami Isseroff
Last update - 09:39 18/10/2009       
Top Revolutionary Guard commanders killed in Iran suicide bombing
By The Associated Press
At least five senior commanders of the elite Revolutionary Guard have been killed in a suicide bombing in southeastern Iran, the Islamic Republic's official news agency reported Sunday.
The IRNA news agency said the dead included Gen. Noor Ali Shooshtari, the deputy commander of the Guard's ground force, and Rajabali Mohammadzadeh, the Guard's chief provincial commander.
IRNA reported that dozens of others were wounded.
The report said the commanders were inside a car on their way to a meeting when an attacker with explosives blew himself up.
The attack took place in the Pishin region near Iran's border with Pakistan.

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