Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Saudi Arabia Denies Green light for Israel attack on Iran

As expected, Saudi Arabia has denied the Daily Express report that they gave a green light to Israel to attack the Iranian Qom nuclear complex.
Saudi Arabia Dismisses "Daily Express" Report
Jeddah, Asharq Al-Awsat- A Saudi official yesterday dismissed reports that Saudi Arabia had agreed to turn a blind eye to Israeli aircrafts flying through Saudi airspace in the event of Israel attacking Iran's recently announced new nuclear facility.
The Saudi official described the report published in the British "Daily Express" newspaper on Monday which claimed that the director of MI6 and the chief of Israeli Mossad had met with Saudi officials in London and concluded an agreement that Saudi Arabia would agree to turn a blind eye to Israeli aircraft using its airspace in the event of Israel attacking Iran's new nuclear facility as being "completely untrue and baseless."
The official source called for the Sunday Express to retract this report which has no basis in fact or reality.
Then again, they would have to deny it even if it was true, wouldn't they? So who knows?
Ami Isseroff

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