Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Basic information about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict - A rare commodity

It's amazing what people don't know about the Middle East. In 2001 I set out to clear a small lighted path in that darkness when I began creating the MidEastWeb History of the Israeli-Palestinian Confict (now continued in a second part at History of the Israeli-Palestinian Confict Part II,
I am pleased to relate that the generosity of an anonymous donor has now made it possible to translate the history into Arabic:

تاريخ النزاع الإسرائيلي الفلسطيني، الجزء الأول    تاريخ النزاع الإسرائيلي الفلسطيني، الجزء الثاني

Please help us spread the word. We will be glad to fix any errors!

Ami Isseroff

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