Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Iran June 24: Protests continue despite police suppression

Evidently the unrest is not over in Iran by any means.
Iran riot police clash with protesters near parliament
Armed Iranian security forces clashed with some 200 pro-reform demonstrators outside the parliament building in Tehran on Wednesday, but no casualties were reported.
Riot police and militia volunteers gathered near the parliament armed with batons and tear gas to deter the protesters from their planned to protest.
According to an Iranian blogger who witnessed the event, police bearing guns and riot gear attacked unarmed demonstrators. The New York Times quoted his post as saying: "They were waiting for us - they all have guns and riot uniforms - it was like a mouse trap - ppl [sic] being shot like animals."
Amateur videos posted on YouTube by people saying it was taken at protests on Wednesday showed groups of young people chanting on a Tehran street. One showed men and women throwing rocks and pushing barricades, one blazing, in the street. Others shouted: "Death to the dictator!"
The time and place the videos were taken could not be immediately confirmed due to restrictions on foreign media in Iran.
A helicopter could be seen hovering over central Tehran. A witness who walked through Baharestan Square in front of the parliament building around 7 P.M. three hours after the scheduled start of the protest, told The Associated Press it was swarmed by hundreds of riot police who did not allow people to even briefly gather.
"Iranian people continue to go to streets to show their opposition to Ahmadinejad and Supreme Leader " - Video of action today

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