Friday, June 12, 2009

Bangladesh anti-Islamist pleads for protection from government terror

Questions to Mr. Robert Blake


Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury

U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs Robert O. Blake will be arriving in Bangladesh on Saturday, June 13, for a two day visit. This is his first visit to Bangladesh as Assistant Secretary. He will meet with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Foreign Minister Dr. Dipu Moni, Home Affairs Minister Advocate Sahara Khatun, and opposition leader and former Prime Minister Khaleda Zia. In each of these meetings, the Assistant Secretary will discuss new opportunities for cooperation between the United States and Bangladesh. He will also meet with parliamentarians, business people, and members of civil society.

Robert Blake is a career Foreign Service Officer. Ambassador Blake entered the Foreign Service in 1985. He has served at the American Embassies in Tunisia, Algeria, Nigeria and Egypt. He held a number of positions at the State Department in Washington, including senior desk officer for Turkey, Deputy Executive Secretary, and Executive Assistant to the Under Secretary for Political Affairs. Ambassador Blake served as Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Mission in New Delhi, India from 2003 – 2006, as Ambassador to Sri Lanka and Maldives from 2006 to mid-2009, and as Assistant Secretary for South and Central Asian Affairs from May 2009 to the present.

Mr. Blake earned a B.A. from Harvard College in 1980 and an M.A. in international relations from Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) in 1984.

Great news! But, I would like to press here one question for Mr. Blake! During this Dhaka trip, will he show any interest on the point of state-patronized terror on the civilians of this country? Will he try to know, why Bangladesh government is continuing all forms of repressive actions on me just because I confront religious extremism and jihad? Will he try to know, why Bangladeshi government shows no respect to the US House Resolution Nu. 64? Will he ask his counterparts in Bangladesh as to why Bangladeshi government is continuing repression on press?

For the kind information of Mr. Robert Blake, Bangladesh government has been totally silent when unknown men claiming to be 'intelligence people' are continuing to chase my car, watch my house and even threatening me over phone, saying the government was 'following' me. Why the government should follow me? Am I a criminal? Is it a crime for any individual to confront killing of Jews and Christians in the name of jihad? Is it a crime for any individual to demand relations between his country and the democratic nation of Israel? Is it a crime to confront hate speech?

These 'intelligence people' are doing everything to frighten my neighborhood by continuing to watch my house from every corner, asking questions to my neighbors about who am I and what I do etc. etc.. etc...

Many of my neighbors are even reporting to me that these intelligence people are harrassing them for being my neighbor.

I contacted a number of intelligence officials and none ever came back to me with any response as to whether these people are sent by them.

Mr. Blake possibly will know that, jihadists are being breeded in thousands of madrassas in the Muslim nations. They are poisoned with the the indoctrination of hating United States, Israel, Jews and Christians as 'enemies of Islam'.

Mr. Robert Blake, you will be happy to know that majority of the people in Bangladesh are peaceloving. They do not support religious extremism. When JMB kingpins were nabbed in the country, people were celebrating it. When they were hanged, the entire country was satisfied to witness this. Bangladesh is truly a peace-loving nation. Only point is, we need our governments to understand the minds of the people. Our governments should stop appeasing the Islamists and religious fanatics.


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