Sunday, June 21, 2009

19-150 dead in Iran Protests & videos

According to CNN, up to 150 persons were killed Saturday (June 20) in protests against the Iranian government. Demonstrators chanted slogans of the 1979 revolution. The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran said protesters who had been beaten and injured by security forces were arrested and detained when they sought medical treatment in hospitals. Fear of arrest had reportedly driven injured protesters, some in serious condition, to seek care at foreign embassies. Videos of the brutality have been posted around the Web.
In wealthy neighborhoods, there were raids by the Basiji militia.
Mir Hossein Moussavi declared he was ready for "martyrdom."

That was the message posted on Moussavi's page on Facebook, the social networking Web site that has proved to be a key source of information in the absence of international media coverage.

The message urged Moussavi's supporters to "protest" and "not go to work."

"Today you are the media," said one message. "It is your duty to report and keep the hope alive."

Iran's ruling system is "going to the slaughterhouse," a post on the site said.

Opposition Candidates Karoubi and Moussavi didn't attend an election council meeting where they were supposedly to be allowed to lay out their plans. Probably they would have been arrested and disappeared, a time honored custom in totalitarian regimes, and a custom in Iran as well.
Videos have been posted around the Web - Following are fairly fresh (June 20).

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