Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Syria Allied with al-Qaida Against the United States? Might that be a Problem?

Syria Allied with al-Qaida Against the United States? Might that be a Problem?

Barry Rubin
While the United States has been trying to engage Syria, the Syrian regime has been busily engaging Americans: in battle.

That's indirectly of course but it is all part of Damascus's never-ending battle against America.

What is spectacularly important—and should be a major crisis with energetic responses by the United States and European countries—is that the Syrians are smuggling al-Qaida terrorists into Iraq. This has been going on for years but when the Bush administration said so the media paid less attention. Now this is not only being confirmed by the Obama administration as happening but it's increasing.

Let me repeat this: al-Qaida, which is the Enemy Number One for the United States, remember those people responsible for September 11, is working closely with the Syrian government to murder Americans.

Sounds like a matter for high-level concern, doesn't it? 
More - Syria Allied with al-Qaida Against the United States? Might that be a Problem?

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