Monday, April 20, 2009

Unholy alliance of the left and reactionary terrorists

From Ray Cook: Double Dutch - the unholy alliance of Left and Right against Israel and the Jews:

One of the most disturbing aspects of the global war of deligitimisation of Israel is the alliance of the European extreme left with terrorism.

So, for example, Respect's George Galloway is quite jubilant about supporting Hamas and denies that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad wants to wipe Israel off the map. Meanwhile Gerry Adams, former IRA supremo turned politician, also sees fit to cosy up to Hamas.

Of course, the common interest of the extreme Left, Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran is their loathing of Zionism. The fact that this includes loathing of Jews generally is glossed over by the Left, is denied or represented as paranoia or an attempt to scotch criticism of Israel. It is why the Dutch Labour Party supports demonstrations at which bigots call out "Hamas Hamas, Joden aan het Gas" (Hamas, Hamas, Jews to the gas). Here's a YouTube video where Harry van Bommel, a Dutch MP, is leading a chant of "Intifida" to an unchallenged background chant of "Hamas Hamas, Joden aan het Gas"

More at Double Dutch - the unholy alliance of Left and Right against Israel and the Jews:

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