Saturday, April 18, 2009

NCRI condemns Ahamadinejad's appeareance in Durban II conference

  Saturday, 18 April 2009
Iranian Resistance condemns Ahmadinejad's Participation in Durban II conference in SwitzerlandNCRI - The Iranian Resistance condemns participation of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, criminal president of the Iranian regime, in the Durban Review Conference of the UN World Conference Against Racism (known as Durban II conference) in Geneva, Switzerland. It also calls on the Swiss government, the UN Secretary General and all member states to oppose Ahamadinejad's visit to Switzerland and his participation in the conference.
Ahmadinejad along with the regime's Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, are the most outstanding symbols of racism in the world. They have committed crimes against ethnic minorities and different races in Iran and ordered their suppression. His participation in the conference would only serve to discredit the conference.
Khamenei and his president are on the top of the list of those who should be tried for war crimes, crimes against humanity as well as suppression and discrimination against minorities.
The clerical regime with its president is the biggest enemy of peace and tranquility in the region and world over for terrorist meddling in the Middle East on one hand and efforts to acquire nuclear weapons on the other and it should not be allowed to exploit international conferences as a platform to press forward its ominous policies.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 18, 2009

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