Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Iran leader: Obama taking wrong path over 'cancerous' Israel

Some Gems from Iran:
Iran's top authority said on Wednesday U.S. President Barack Obama was pursuing the same "wrong path" as George W. Bush in supporting Israel and
described the Jewish state as a "cancerous tumor."
The comments by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has the final say on policy in the Islamic Republic, are likely to disappoint the new U.S. administration which wants to engage Iran but has called on Tehran to "unclench its fist."
"Even the new president of America, who has come to power with slogans about changing Bush's policies, is defending state terrorism by talking about unconditional commitment to Israel's security," Khamenei said.
Khamenei, speaking at a conference on the Palestinian issue in Tehran, said Obama was following the same "wrong path" of his predecessor in the White House.
"Another big mistake is to say that the only way to save the Palestinian nation is by negotiations," Khamenei said.
"Negotiations with whom? With an occupying and bullying regime, who does not believe in any other principle other than force? ... Or negotiations with America and Britain who committed the biggest sin in creating and supporting this cancerous tumor ... ?" he added.
"The way to salvation [for Palestinians] is standing firm and resisting," the supreme leader said.
Khamenei also said the Holocaust, in which six million Jews died at the hands of the Nazis, was used to "usurp" Palestinian land and said the West and Israel showed the weakness of their cause by not allowing anyone to question the Holocaust.
Ahmadinejad, who previously caused Western ire by saying the Holocaust was a "myth", said: "The story of the Holocaust, a nation without a homeland and a homeland without a nation ... are the big lies of our era."
"The continuation of the Zionist regime even on one inch of the land of Palestine, because of the nature of that regime, means the continuation of crime, occupation, threat and insult to the nations," the president told the conference.

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