Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Two Saudi Shia Dead After Clash with Religious Police for a Second Day in Holy City

[communicated by email]
Saudi Information Agency
Washington, DC

Two Saudi Shia Dead After Clash with Religious Police for a Second Day in
Holy City

SIA News

(Washington DC –February 22, 2009) - Two Shia civilians have been reported killed by Saudi police who opened fire at thousands of Saudi Shia visitors
to the holy city of Madina following a second day of clashes with religious police, witness told SIA News.

Witnesses told SIA News that two people have died after security forces opened fire at buses carrying Shia visitors in their way to attend religious gathering in a farm outside Madina to commemorate the death of the Prophet Mohamed. The farm is owned by Sheikh Mohamed AlAmari, the top religious leader of Saudi Shia community in the city. While they make up 30% the city, they are not allowed to build their places of worship.

Witnesses said, the religious police attacked Shai visitors in Baqee Cemetery and in the Prophet Mohamed Mosque, where Shia gathered for prayers.

On Saturday, thousands of Shia protested outside the Baqee after discovering a member of the Saudi religious police was filming Shia women while they gathered outside the Baqee to perform visitation rituals. The protest left several injured and arrested by the riot police. Photographing women in Saudi Arabia is seeing as sexual harassment.

In keeping with its policy of banning coverage of Shia religious and cultural news, Saudi press outlets reporting the clashes didn't make any reference to the Shia. AlWatan, AlRiyadh, AlHyata, and Okaz newspapers blamed the crowds for causing disturbances.

The government of King Abdullah bans its Shia citizens from senior government jobs such s diplomats, ministers.

1 comment:

  1. Yup. a almost is a complete report a bout what happened over there except that religious police man started to harasses he women whom was gathering on the alley of the holy mosque reading a pray. Saying to them you're a daughters of adultery , a sin daughters, and your not a believers. Then the women started to through there shoes to ward that man.
