Saturday, January 10, 2009

Roots of the Gaza Conflict - by Nonie Darwish

Nonie Darwish is an American of Arab/Moslem origin. A freelance writer
and public speaker, she runs the website
With the explosive current events in Gaza, the world needs to
understand the roots of this eternal conflict, otherwise we are all
kidding ourselves with hopes of peace.
For decades, Arabs had demanded that Israel end the "occupation," and
in 2005, Israel did so, disengaging unilaterally from Gaza. With their
demands met, there was no `cycle of violence' to respond to, no
further justification for anything other than peace and prosperity.
With its central location and beautiful beaches on the East
Mediteranean, a peaceful and prosperous Gaza could have become another
Hong Kong; a shining trade and commerce center. But instead of
choosing peace, the Palestinians chose Islamic jihad. They rolled
their rocket launchers to the border and started bombing Israeli
Understanding the reasons why the Palestinians chose violence over
peace requires connecting the dots from the behavior of Muslim states
back to the laws of Islam: Sharia. Mainstream Sharia books define
Jihad as: "to war against non-Muslims to establish the religion."
(Shafi'i Sharia o9.0). Jihad is not just the duty of the individual
Muslim, but it is also the main duty of the Muslim head of State (the
"A Muslim calipha is entrusted to take his people into war and command
offensive and aggressive Jihad. He must organize Jihad against any
non-Muslim government, which prevents Muslim da'wah (meaning preaching
and spreading Islam) from entering its land." (Shafii Law o25.0 to o25.9).
Sharia law# o25.9 states:
"(When the caliph appoints a ruler on a region, his duty includes) if
the area has a border adjacent to enemy lands, (he will) undertake
Jihad against enemies, dividing the spoils of battle among combatants
and setting aside a fifth for deserving recipients."
"The Caliph makes war upon Jews, Christians and Zoroastrians until
they become Muslim or else pay the non-Muslim poll tax provided he has
first invited them to enter Islam or pay Jizya, the non-Muslim poll
tax, (in accordance with the word of Allah Most High Chapter 9 verse 29)."
Zia-Ul-Haq, former President of Pakistan, said "jihad in terms of
warfare is a collective responsibility of the Muslim Ummah."
One of Islam's eminent 20th century scholars, Sheikh Maolana Maududi said:
"Islam wishes to destroy all states and governments anywhere on the
face of the earth which are opposed to the ideology and program of
Islam regardless of the country or the nation which rules it. The
purpose of Islam is to set up a state on the basis of its own ideology
and program … the objective of Islamic jihad is to eliminate the rule
of an un-Islamic system and establish instead an Islamic system of
state rule. Islam does not intend to confine this revolution to a
single state or a few countries; the aim of Islam is to bring about a
universal revolution."
Some people seem to think that such laws are just historical relics,
on the books but not in practice or in control of the minds of
Muslims. But that is the kind of denial we cannot afford; these laws
rule the hearts, minds and actions of a majority of Muslim individuals
and states around the world today. These scriptures are taught,
preached and promoted as the incontrovertible and eternal word of God
and funded by Saudi petrodollars throughout the world, including
Western nations such as the U.K. and the United States.
No Muslim leader can survive in a Muslim country if he announces the
end of Jihad against non-Muslim countries and states that all
references to Jihad in Islamic law do not apply today. Treating
non-Muslim neighboring countries and individual as equals, with
respect and in peace without trying to convert them to Islam, is
simply against Islamic Law.
Muslim leaders who dare to go against this theology are called
traitors and puppets of the `Great Satan' West. That is a description
that no Muslim leader wants to be labeled with. When president Anwar
Sadat of Egypt signed the peace treaty with Israel in 1979, he told
his confidants that he knew he was signing his own death warrant. He
understood that under Sharia he must have permanent war with
non-Muslim Israel.
How can a Muslim leader or individual avoid the hundreds of Quran and
Hadith commandments to Muslims to kill Jews and Christians? Q 9:29:
"Fight those who believe not in Allah until they pay the Jizya with
willing submission and feel themselves subdued." Q 9:5: "Slay the
unbelievers wherever you find them". Q47.4: "When you encounter the
unbelievers, Strike off their heads."
A Muslim leader cannot face his devout Muslim subjects after making a
decision to engage in friendship and peace with Jews. Mosques all over
the Middle East, after all, recite Mohammed's commandment to Muslims:
"The Hour [Resurrection] will not take place until the Muslims fight
the Jews, and kill them. And the Jews will hide behind the rock and
tree, and the rock and tree will say: oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah,
this is a Jew behind me, come and kill him!" (Sahih Muslim 41:6985,
also Sahih Bukhari 4:52:177)
This Hadith, issued by Mohammad, makes a whole group of people illegal
to exist. It was issued in the 7th century, not after the 1948
creation of the State of Israel. It is not a response to modern-day
grievances; it is a permanent commandment.
Many Muslims claim that Arabs and Jews lived well together for many
years before 1948. But that claim ignores the fact that Jews had to
live as `dhimmies' under Islamic Law and were never allowed to rule
themselves separate of the Islamic Sharia. When Muslims were weak they
often treated their dhimmi subjects well and ignored the commandments
to kill, subjugate and humiliate them. But Jew hatred is intrinsic to
Islamic scriptures that do not permit reformation under the penalty of
This is the real basis of the Arab/Israeli conflict: not a conflict
over land or occupation, but a divine obligation to destroy
neighboring (non-Muslim) Israel, where Jews are no longer dhimmis but
are free to rule themselves. We cannot ignore the root of the problem
in Muslim scriptures. That is the true force behind the hate and
propaganda Jihadist machine against Jews in the Muslim world.
Some Muslims tell me that they don't believe in Sharia and question
why am I making a big deal about it. My answer is that Sharia is the
law of the land in 54 Muslim countries and many Muslim groups are
demanding Sharia in the West. In 1990, 45 Muslim countries signed the
Cairo Human Rights Declaration which stated that Sharia has supremacy
over the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The Muslim world must look within to its sacred laws, scriptures,
sermons, teaching and preaching, and reform the obstacles for peace
that have condemned them to a permanent state of jihad. The non-Muslim
world must have no illusions.
Nonie Darwish is an American of Arab/Moslem origin. A freelance writer
and public speaker, she runs the website

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