Saturday, January 24, 2009

Iran: Torture for imprisoned Baha'i

(22 January 2009) – The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran expressed grave concern for the situation of Iran's largest religious minority group today. Members of the Baha'i Faith have been targeted with alarming frequency in recent months with 36 Baha'is currently under arrest in Iranian prisons.
"The continued targeting of members of the Baha'i community is indicative of the larger goal of suppressing individual human rights by the Iranian government. All Baha'is detained and arrested, have committed no crime whatsoever," said Hadi Ghaemi, Campaign spokesperson.
On the morning of 14 January 2009, Intelligence Ministry officials raided the homes of 12 Baha'is in Tehran. The officials confiscated books, materials, and photographs related to the Baha'i Faith as well as computers and CDs. The agents arrested Shahrokh Taef, Jinous Sobhani, Didar Raoufi, Aziz Samandari and Payam Aghsani. They are currently being held incommunicado in Evin Prison. Their families have met with the presiding judge but have been unable to see their loved ones.
These recent arrests come on the heels of the raid of 20 Baha'i homes in Semnan on 15 December 2008. Another raid of a Baha'i home in Yazd was carried out on 11 December. Three Baha'is were arrested in Ghaemshahr, Mazandaran the week of 18 November 2008, and one of them, Mr. Masou Ataiyan is still in prison. In October, Ziaollah Allahverdi and his wife Sonia Tebyani were arrested in Behshahr, Mazandaran. Other arrests and raids were carried out in August in Mehrian.

1 comment:

  1. What is truly sad and amazing is that these men of power believe in the power of God and they are the educators of their faith, yet they are disturbed by other believers of God. What kind of faith do they truly believe in? If they are so secure, that their's is the only true path to God nothing in this world should effect them. Should they not concentrate on their own spiritual development to bring about peace and progress of the world. Why are men of power within Islam, who continually profess their way is the only way to heaven use terror and war against innocent humans. They all hide, and then pretend to be brave men. They train young children and have no regards for women. These are the men who think they are brave. I truly believe God is great with love for all his creation. They will never be able to destroy any true the faith of God. Their predecessors have all perished are now only tomb stones they too will perish and be no more, who will recall their names, these ungodly men of today's world.
