Monday, December 8, 2008

A Lebanese hero who deserves our admiration

In all the hypocrisy and cowardice of Lebanon, one voice is unafraid to speak truth to power, consistently, with no discounts. Walid Jumblatt will not let the fear of Syrian assassins or Hezbollah stop him from telling the truth wherever and whenever he can. His father was murdered by the Syrians.
Jumblatt repeats warning that Syria imperils Lebanon's independence
Psp chief says Damascus has divided Palestinians, too
By Hussein Abdallah
Daily Star staff
Monday, December 08, 2008
BEIRUT: Progressive Socialist Party (PSP) leader MP Walid Jumblatt said on Sunday that the Syrian regime posed a danger to Lebanon's "independence movement," referring to his anti-Damascus March 14 Forces. "The Syrian regime is the first and last danger that the independence movement is facing," he told his party's general assembly, which was held in the town of Baakline in the Chouf Mountains, southeast of Beirut. 
Jumblatt said that next year's parliamentary elections would decide Lebanon's fate in the near future.
"If the March 14 Forces lose the elections, the country will return to the period of Syrian tutelage," he said.
The PSP chief called on his comrades not to lose faith in their cause and to stay committed to the principles of the March 14 alliance.
"The real reconciliation between the Lebanese people was that of March 14, 2005," he said, referring to the mass gathering in Martyrs Square one month after the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.  "We should stay focused to face challenges, especially after the Syrian regime has succeeded in ending its international isolation as heads of states will be rushing to visit Damascus."
Remembering his late father Kamal Jumblatt, the PSP leader told his comrades that he would not change course.
"The Syrians killed Kamal Jumblatt because they wanted to kill the PSP, but in fact nothing changed as I will continue to be my father's son," he said.
Kamal Jumblatt was killed in 1977 and many Lebanese blame his death on Syria.
The PSP chief also accused Damascus of "destroying the unity of the Palestinian people."
"My father was one of the first to fight for the Palestinian cause ... Both Kamal Jumblatt and Yasser Arafat died while trying to keep the Palestinians united," he said referring to the late Palestinian president.
The general assembly was concluded by the re-election of Jumblatt as party leader, a post he has held since the assassination of his father.

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