Friday, September 19, 2008

Who is worried about the IAEA report on Iranian nuclear development and why?

What worries Russia and China is not the fact of Iranian nuclear development, which can only be harmful to Western interests and help them. What worries them, as the headline states, is the IAEA report. It is becoming increasingly difficult for anyone to ignore the clear and present danger of Iranian nuclear proliferation, which is becoming a reality while the world looks apathetically on.
The danger, from the point of view of China and Russia, is that the report will cause the Western allies to actually do something about the Iranian nuclear program.
Ami Isseroff

Solana: IAEA's Iran report worries Russia, China

1 day ago

PARIS (AP) — The European Union's foreign policy chief says he believes Russia and China are "quite worried" about a new IAEA report that says Iran has blocked efforts to investigate its nuclear program.

Javier Solana says the report presented Monday by the U.N. nuclear watchdog "isn't good for Iran."

He stopped short Thursday of saying that there is support for France's push for more U.N. Security Council sanctions against Tehran.

Solana says the U.N. General Assembly will "analyze" the situation. He was speaking on the sidelines of a Paris meeting of EU foreign ministers with their counterparts from five central Asian nations.

Western nations fear Iran's program masks intentions to build bombs. Iran insists its plan is to generate electricity.


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