Saturday, September 6, 2008

Iran meddles in Syrian government to sabotage peace moves

Iran Orders Changes in Syrian Security

September 6, 2008 //RPS Staff// - Information received by RPS confirms that Iran has, from direct orders of Ayatollah Khameni, influenced the removal of Gen. Ali Mamlook of the State Security Services to be replaced by Gen. Hassan Khalouf. Khalouf has been lobbying with those who have advocated with the policy of peeling away from Iran.

Also removed was Gen. Amin Sharradeh who heads the Palestinian Branch of the Internal Security. Likewise, Sharradeh advocated peeling away from Iran in favor of close relations with the west. Gen. Mohammad Suleiman, who was killed mysteriously on August 1, coordinated many of his activities with Sharradeh.

Iran's influence over Syrian policies makes it impossible for Assad to adhere by any of the promises he is making to Sarkozy of France and to Israeli politicians in regard to his foreign policy. One by one, the men who have protecting his regime are murdered or sidelined by Iran and Hezbollah.

Reform Party of Syria | 1700 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W. | Washington | DC | 20004

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