Sunday, August 24, 2008

Syrians suppress Kurdish protest in Qamoshli

Qamoshli is in northwest Syria, which has a large concentration of Kurds who are denied national rights. It has been the site of various disturbances in the past few years.
BREAKING NEWS: Syrian Authorities Prevent a Large March in Qamoshli
Washington DC - August 24, 2008//RPS Staff// -- RPS has learned from sources within Syria that a march of unity by many different Kurdish political organizations in northern Syria in support of Mashaal Tammo who has disappeared 10 days ago was prevented by the Syrian security.

Up to 2,000 military and security personnel have surrounded the house of Tammo where the demonstrators were heading. Many were dispersed using various inhuman methods but about 200 of the demonstrators managed to confront the authorities with chants of unity for Tammo.
Mashaal Tammo heads the Kurdish Future Movement and is regarded by many with respect and admiration for his work. It is believed that the Assad regime saw danger in his charisma and secular position that would trample upon their attempt at making only the rising voices of Islamists be heard.
No one knows if Tammo is still alive or has been killed by the Assad regime.

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