Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Middle East Humor: Fadlallah claims Shi'a do not have different aims from Sunni in Lebanon

Hezbollah "spiritual leader" Fadlallah has a great sense of humor:
BEIRUT: Senior Shiite cleric Sayyed Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah rejected the notion Monday that Shiites have any project that differs from that of their Sunni brethren.
Apart from murdering Sunni leaders and attempting to impose an Islamic republic on the Lebanese people, Sayyid Fadlala is right, no? I mean, what are a few assassination and a little war between friends?
Fadlallah got one thing right, though:
"We are looking forward to one Islamic project that embraces big Islamic issues," Fadlallah said in an interview with Kuwaiti Ad-Dar newspaper.
You betcha - they want one Islamic project, run from Tehran.
Ami Isseroff
Daily Star staff
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
BEIRUT: Senior Shiite cleric Sayyed Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah rejected the notion Monday that Shiites have any project that differs from that of their Sunni brethren.
"We are looking forward to one Islamic project that embraces big Islamic issues," Fadlallah said in an interview with Kuwaiti Ad-Dar newspaper.
Fadlallah said a Sunni-Shiite strife, in the full sense of the word, did not occur in Lebanon.
"But there are leaders who want to build their leaderships on a sectarian basis in addition to some Arab countries that encourage and finance such desire," he added.
Fadlallah said the visit to Najaf of Future Movement leader Saad Hariri cannot have a "big influence as it moves through economics and not politics."
The cleric also said he rejected claims that the Shiites were affiliated with Iran.
"The problem is in the Arabs' affiliation with the US," he said. "As for the Shiites, some of them support Iran and some don't."
"And if some Sunni officials are following US policies, we cannot say Sunnis are the allies of the US and Israel," he added.
Meanwhile, the vice president of the Higher Shiite Council, Sheikh Abdel-Amir Qabalan, said mobile fighting between one Lebanese region and another "is forbidden."
"What happened in North Lebanon is a diabolic act. It harms our national and religious values as well as the interests of our country and society," Qabalan said in reference to recent clashes in Tripoli.
Qabalan voiced "surprise" that the issue of the resistance is the "controversial material" in the drafting of the ministerial statement of the new national unity government.
"We should preserve the resistance so it constitutes a reserve army for the defense of Lebanon," he said.
Maronite Patriarch Nasrallah Butros Sfeir said on Monday that giving Lebanese emigrants a card allowing them to vote in the upcoming 2009 elections is a "good step."
"But this step remains incomplete if it is not followed by giving the Lebanese citizenship to those who deserve it," Sfeir said before his visitors.
He also highlighted the difficulty in registering newborns abroad. "There are difficulties faced by the state and emigrants, as departments charged with the registration operations neglect those files." - The Daily Star

1 comment:

  1. BLOG HOPPING HERE.....have a nice and beautiful day,take care
