Tuesday, June 17, 2008

If Only Americans Knew: Gaza Siege and humanitarian crisis - urgent information

"If Only Americans Knew" - What every American and everyone else needs to know about Israel and the Palestinians.

Palestinians, aided by "humanitarian" organizations and UN officials, have insisted that Gaza is under siege by Israel and that there is a "humantarian crisis" perpetrated by Israeli actions. The truth is, that the Gaza leadership of the genocidal Hamas has been waging a propaganda war against Israel and a humanitarian war against its own people. Fuel meant for hospitals is commandeered for "police" vehicles and terrorists who drive around launching rockets at Israel.

Gaza will go down in history as a unique "siege" in which a country that was being pounded by rocket fire provided food and fuel to a vicious genocidal enemy bent on its destruction. It is also unique because it is the only time in history that a country has been condemned for "human rights" violations because it was defending itself against a rogue regime. Below is the record of shipments of humanitarian assistance to Gaza from Israel. Let's not forget that Hamas terrorists shot up the fuel depot to prevent fuel supplies.

Let's set the record straight about the "Gaza Siege." The record is below.  

Ami Isseroff

24,358 trucks; 571,852 tons Humanitarian    assistance to Gaza since Feb 27 escalation in terror

13 Jun 2008

 Ministry of Defense Unit of Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) Total (June 16, 2007 - June 13, 2008): 24,358 trucks; 571,852 tons "No humanitarian crisis and no hunger in the Gaza Strip"

 The Unit for Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories reports daily on the general humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip.

 The data for the supplies transferred via the Karni and Sufa crossings is based on the reports of Palestinian merchants.

Two-way traffic at the Erez Crossing of international organizations' staff, patients seeking medical treatment and people accompanying them ("medical evacuations"), and Palestinian civilians  has been permitted for humanitarian and medical aid since 18 January 2007 and occurs almost daily.

 Via the conveyor at the Karni Crossing, hundreds of tons of grain - wheat, barley, soy beans, corn and animal feed - are transferred from Israel to the Gaza Strip every week.


Via the Nahal Oz fuel depot, diesel fuel for transportation and the local Gaza power station, petrol, and gas for cooking and heating are transferred from Israel to the Gaza Strip, according to an assessment of civilian needs mandated by the Israeli court.


Via the Sufa Crossing, the following supplies are transferred by truck from Israel to the Gaza Strip: food, including: baby formula and food, rice and legumes, fruits and vegetables, meat, chicken and fish, dairy products, flour and yeast, oil, salt and sugar; hygiene products; raw materials for essential infrastructures; medicines and medical equipment; and a myriad of other items - ranging from school books to wheel chairs - needed by the civilian population.

The Kerem Shalom Crossing has been closed since 19 April 2008, due to terrorist attacks directed at it.


June 13, 2008

 51 trucks carrying mostly food products were transferred from Israel to the Gaza Strip via the Sufa crossing.

 Via the Nahal Oz crossing, 510,000 liters of diesel fuel for the power station, 130,000 liters of diesel fuel for transportation, and 173 tons of gas were delivered.

 In addition, 55 people (patients and their companions) crossed into Israel via Erez crossing for medical treatment.

June 11, 2008

 38 trucks carrying fruit and vegetables and other food products as well as materials for humanitarian infrastructure were transferred from Israel to the Gaza Strip via the Sufa crossing.

 In addition, 54 people (patients and their companions) crossed into Israel via Erez crossing for medical treatment.

June 10, 2008

 59 trucks carrying food, materials needed for infrastructures, and medications were transferred from Israel to the Gaza Strip via the Sufa crossing.

 24 trucks carrying 888 tons of grain were transferred via the Karni crossing.

 Via the Nahal Oz crossing, 280,000 liters of diesel fuel for the power station, 100,000 liters of diesel fuel for transportation, and 88 tons of gas were delivered.

 In addition, 66 people (patients and their companions) crossed into Israel via Erez crossing for medical treatment.

June 8, 2008

 521,800 liters of fuel and 84 tons of heating gas were transported via the Nahal Oz terminal.

 In addition, 10 people (patients and companions) crossed into Israel from the Gaza Strip via the Erez crossing for medical treatment.

June 4, 2008

 50 trucks carrying food and hygiene products were transferred from Israel to the Gaza Strip via Sufa crossing.

 64 trucks carrying 2,409 tons of wheat, corn, soy beans and animal feed were transferred via the Karni crossing.

 Cooking gas was transferred via the Nahal Oz fuel depot.

 In addition, 17 people (patients and companions) crossed into Israel from the Gaza Strip via the Erez crossing for medical treatment.

June 4, 2008

 Medical evacuation: A Palestinian worker was critically wounded by a mortar bomb fired by Palestinian terrorists towards the Nahal Oz fuel depot.

 He was rushed to hospital in Gaza City.

 Due to the critical wounds the worker suffered and the deterioration of his condition, an urgent request was forwarded to the Israeli Coordination & Liaison Administration at the Erez crossing, to refer the wounded man for further treatment in Israel.

 Colonel Nir Press, Head of Israel's Coordination and Liaison Administration at Erez Crossing, approved the evacuation to Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon as per the request.


 Press stated that evening: "The attack earlier today caused the casualty of one Palestinian, and ultimately forced the early cessation of pumping of fuel and gas.

 The Hamas campaign against the Gaza Strip crossings primarily inflicts suffering on the people of the Gaza Strip.


June 3, 2008

 60 trucks carrying food, and raw materials for essential infrastructures were transferred to the Gaza  Strip via Sufa crossing.

 At the Nahal Oz fuel depot, 261 tons of gas and 1.

124 million liters of fuel for transportation and electricity were transferred.

 In addition, 32 people (patients and companions) crossed into Israel for medical treatment.


June 2, 2008

 64 trucks carrying rice, vegetables, meat/chicken/fish, dairy and other food products, and raw materials for essential infrastructures were transferred to the Gaza Strip via Sufa crossing.

 71 trucks carrying 2,577 tons of wheat, soy beans, corn and animal feed were transferred via the Karni grain depot.

 At the Nahal Oz fuel depot, 260,410 liters of fuel for transportation and 732,400 liters of fuel for the power station, and 210 tons of heating and cooking gas were transferred to the Gaza Strip.

 In addition, 13 people (patients and companions) crossed into Israel via the Erez crossing for medical treatment.

June 1, 2008

 30 trucks carrying vegetables, meat/chicken/fish, dairy and other food products, medications and medical equipment, and raw materials for essential infrastructures were transferred to the Gaza Strip via Sufa crossing.

 64 trucks carrying 2,500 tons of wheat, soy beans, corn and animal feed were transferred via the Karni grain depot.

 At the Nahal Oz fuel depot, 1.

038 million liters of fuels and 262 tons of gas were transferred to the Gaza Strip.

 In addition, 29 people (patients and companions) crossed into Israel via the Erez crossing for medical treatment.

May 28, 2008

 71 trucks carrying 2,610 tons of wheat, soy and animal feed were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Karni conveyor.

 Via the Nahal Oz depot, 110 tons of cooking and heating gas were transferred.

 This week, 70,030 liters of petrol (out of 75,400 allocated), 693,450 liters of transportation fuel (out of 800,000) and 2,097,400 (out of 2,200,000) liters of diesel fuel for the power station were transferred.

 In addition, 87 people (patients and companions) crossed into Israel on

May 28 for medical treatment.

May 27, 2008

 62 trucks carrying 1,260 tons of wheat, 72 tons of barley and 900 tons of animal feed were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Karni grain depot.

 72 trucks with food, hygiene products, medicines and supplies for essential infrastructures were transferred to the Gaza Strip via Sufa crossing.

 Via the Nahal Oz fuel depot, 70,030 liters of petrol, 253 tons of gas, 155,000 liters of fuel for transportation and 736,200 liters of fuel for the power station were transferred.

 In addition, eight people crossed into Israel for medical treatment.

May 26, 2008

 66 trucks carrying baby food, agricultural produce and equipment, meat/chicken/fish, dairy products and other food, medicines, and supplies for essential infrastructures were transferred to the Gaza Strip via Sufa crossing.

 170 tons of gas and 1.

01 million liters of diesel fuel were transferred via Nahal Oz.

 In addition, 27 people (patients and their companions) crossed into Israel for medical treatment.

May 25, 2008

 75 truckloads (2690 tons) of wheat, barley, corn, soy, sesame seeds and animal feed were transferred from Israel to the Gaza Strip via the Karni grain depot.

 66 truckloads of agriculture produce, meat/chicken/fish, dairy products, other food, supplies for essential infrastructures and medical equipment were transferred via Sufa crossing.

 245 tons of gas, 270,420 liters of fuel for transportation and 619,200 liters of fuel for the power station were transferred via the Nahal Oz depot.

May 23, 2008

 During the week 18-23

May, 300,000 liters of fuel were transferred via the Nahal Oz depot into the Gaza Strip for the use of UNWRA.

 43,010 liters of gasoline and 159 tons of gas were transferred; 1,116,830 liters of fuel for transportation, more than the 800,000 liters allocated, and 2,177,200 liters of fuel out of the 2,200,000 liters allocated for the power station were transferred.

May 22, 2008

 The truck bomb attack on the Erez crossing prevented 31 Palestinians from receiving medical treatment in Israel.

May 14, 2008

: 59 trucks with food, medical supplies, and agricultural produce and equipment were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Sufa crossing point.

 88 tons of gas and 469,000 liters of diesel fuel were transferred via the Nahal Oz depot.


May 11 to

May 16, 1.

957 million liters of fuel for power plants were transferred, out of the 2.

2 million liters allocated weekly.

 In addition, 36 people (patients and companions) crossed from the Gaza Strip into Israel for medical treatment.

May 13, 2008

: 65 humanitarian aid trucks carrying baby food, agricultural produce, meat & fish, hygienic products, milk products, salt & sugar, medical equipment and medicines, oil, flour and yeast were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Sufa crossing point.

 In addition, 65 people (patients and companions) crossed into Israel from the Gaza Strip for medical treatment via Erez crossing.

May 12-13, 2008

 81,000 liters of fuel for transportation and 1.

488 million liters of diesel fuel for power plants were transferred via the Nahal Oz crossing.

May 12, 2008

 71 truckloads of humanitarian aid (food, hygiene products, tools and raw materials for infrastructures) were transferred via the Sufa crossing.

 Eleven tankers (242 tons) of gas for heating and cooking were transferred via the Nahal Oz depot.

 In addition, 49 people (patients and companions) crossed into Israel from the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.

May 11, 2008

: 69 humanitarian aid trucks carrying wheelchairs, walking sticks, additional medical equipment, food supplies and camping equipment were transferred to the Gaza Strip via Sufa crossing point.

 In addition, 83 people (patients and companions) crossed from the Gaza Strip into Israel for medical treatment.

May 4-9, 2008

: 2,407,000 liters of fuel (petrol and diesel) were transferred to the Gaza Strip via Nahal Oz fuel depot.

May 4, 2008

: 70 humanitarian aid trucks carrying  vaccines, electric wires, hygiene and food products and other materials were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Sufa crossing point; 27 trucks carrying grains and coffee were transferred via the Karni crossing; 120 tons (5 tankers) of heating gas and 560,000 liters (11 tankers) of fuel were transferred via the Nahal Oz crossing.

 In addition, 57 people (patients and companions) crossed into Israel from Gaza for medical treatment.


April 30, 2008

Approximately 64 trucks of humanitarian aid and supplies were transferred into the Gaza Strip today via Sufa crossing.

 The assistance was organized with the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories.

 The following is a list of supplies transferred: diapers, fruit, meat, flour, corn, oil, cocoa powder, dairy products, sugar, toilet paper, garlic, fish, ful, carrots, nylon bags, reproductive eggs, cleaning products and medical equipment.

April 23, 2008

Approximately 85 trucks of humanitarian aid and supplies were transferred into the Gaza Strip today via Sufa crossing.

 In addition, 1 million liters of fuel were transferred via Nahal-Oz.

 The assistance was organized with the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories.

The following is a list of supplies transferred through Sufa crossing: oil, paper, meat, nylon bags used for greenhouses, rice, fruit, juice, sugar, milk, dairy products, flour, washing powder, salt, cleaning products, medical equipment, fish, fuel, disposable dishes, pasta, conserves, vegetables and humus.

April 17, 2008

 Approximately 27 trucks of humanitarian aid and supplies were transferred into the Gaza Strip today via the Kerem Shalom crossing before it was forced to close due to the attack on the crossing.

 Supplies transferred through the Kerem Shalom crossing: oil, paper, meat, nylon bags used for greenhouses, rice, fruit and halva.

 In addition, 800,000 liters of diesel fuel for heating and 240,000 tons of gas were transferred via Nahal Oz, which also closed during the afternoon after Palestinian snipers fired at the crossing.

April 16, 2008

 Approximately 95 trucks of humanitarian aid and supplies were transferred into the Gaza Strip today via the Kerem Shalom and Sufa Crossings: 59 trucks trough the Sufa Crossing containing: cleaning products, rice, dairy products, fruit, sugar, humus, meat, spices, flour, salt, garlic, fish, starch, hypochlorite, fennel, pea, pasta, hatching eggs and disposable plates.

 36 trucks, including 11 trucks of Egyptian donation through the Kerem Shalom crossing containing: oil, paper, single-use dishes, medical equipment, diapers, preservatives, nylon bags, gloves, drip irrigation system, pipes and pads.

 The supply of diesel fuel for the Gaza power plant and cooking gas was resumed at 14:30 through the Nahal Oz fuel terminal.

 The fuel depot is 70% full (188,000 liters of gasoline and 820,000 liters of diesel fuel).

 The Palestinians in Gaza have refrained for the last two weeks from providing this available fuel to the Palestinian people.

April 15, 2008

 Approximately 100 trucks of humanitarian aid and supplies were transferred into the Gaza Strip today via the Kerem Shalom and Sufa Crossings: 67 trucks through the Sufa Crossing containing: drippers, seeds, cleaning products, rice, sugar, meat, flour, salt, fruit, carrots, garlic, corn, pasta, fruit, humus, eggs, cinnamon, fish and cloth.

 33 trucks through the Kerem Shalom crossing containing: medications, mushrooms, bandages, bottles, cloths, diapers, canned food, oil, toilet paper, timber and cable clips.

April 14, 2008

 Defense Minister Ehud Barak ordered the renewal of diesel shipments to Gaza's power station.

 Only the minimal amount required to maintain the station's operations, determined in the past, will be transferred.

 Israel will also allow shipments of cooking gas.  At this stage, gasoline and diesel fuel will not be supplied for transportation needs.  The supply of fuel will begin on Wednesday,

April 16, after the completion of security arrangements between the IDF and Dor Energy.

 Approximately 123 trucks of humanitarian aid and supplies were transferred into the Gaza Strip today via the Kerem Shalom, Karni and Sufa Crossings: 54 trucks trough the Sufa Crossing containing: medications, cleaning products, rice, sugar, meat, dairy products, washing powder, flour, salt, fruit, carrots, halva, starch, eggs, cinnamon, yeast, fish and cloth.

 51 trucks through the Karni crossing containing: wheat, barley, soy, lentils and sesame.

 18 trucks through the Kerem Shalom crossing containing: medical equipment, medications, electrical equipment, conserves, paper, nylon, diapers, toilet paper, oil, wood for greenhouses, pumps and drip irrigation system.

April 13, 2008

 87 trucks of humanitarian aid and supplies were transferred into the Gaza Strip today via the Sufa and Kerem Shalom crossings.

 The supplies included rice, vegetables, meat/chicken/fish, other food stuffs, and hygiene products.

 In addition, 71 people (patients and companions) crossed into Israel from the Gaza Strip for medical treatment via Erez crossing.

April 9, 2008

 Approximately 95 trucks of humanitarian aid and supplies were transferred into the Gaza Strip today via the Kerem Shalom and Sufa Crossings: 55 trucks through the Sufa Crossing containing: salt, carrot, fruit, rice, sugar, spices, dairy products, meat, flour, garlic, fish, pasta, frozen vegetables, coffee, cleaning products, hatching eggs.

 30 trucks through the Kerem Shalom Crossing containing: oil, rice, medical equipments, diapers, cleaning products, toilet paper, shampoo and soap.

 10 trucks donated by Egypt, through the Kerem Shalom Crossing containing: flour and sugar.

April 8, 2008

 Approximately 90 trucks of humanitarian aid and supplies were transferred into the Gaza Strip today via the Kerem Shalom and Sufa Crossings: 61 trucks through the Sufa Crossing containing: baby formula, salt, rice, fruit, flour, dairy products, sugar, garlic, carrots, milk powder, frozen vegetables, cardamon, eggs, fish, food additives, humus and tea.

 29 trucks through the Karni Crossing containing: medicine and medical equipment, boiler for a hospital, oil, nylon bags, cleaning products, yeast, shampoo, toilet paper, halva and tehina.

 In addition, 655,000 liters (13 tankers) of fuel and 282 tons of heating gas (11 tankers) were transported through the Nahal Oz Crossing.

April 7, 2008

 Approximately 128 trucks of humanitarian aid and supplies were transferred into the Gaza Strip today via the Kerem Shalom, Sufa and Karni Crossings: 56 trucks through the Sufa Crossing containing: salt, tea, garlic, sugar, carrot, apples, dairy products, meat, fish, hatching eggs, animal vitamins.

 40 trucks through the Karni Crossing containing: wheat, cumin, sesame, coriander, barley.

 32 trucks through the Kerem Shalom Crossing containing: soy, yeast, salt, cleaning products, toilet paper, soap, hair shampoo & conditioner.

 In addition, 650,000 liters (13 tankers) of fuels and 176 tons of heating gas (8 tankers) were transported through the Nahal Oz Crossing.

April 6, 2008

 Approximately 76 trucks of humanitarian aid and supplies were transferred into the Gaza Strip today via the Kerem Shalom and Sufa Crossings: 60 trucks through the Sufa Crossing containing: books, baby kits, food kits, fruit, rice, oil, meat, milk, flour, red pepper, eggs and tea.

 16 trucks through the Kerem Shalom Crossing containing: wheel chairs, sugar, flour and other basic food products.

 In addition, 705,000 liters (15 tankers) of fuels and 177 tons of heating gas (7 tankers) were transported through the Nahal Oz Crossing.

April 3, 2008

 Approximately 100 trucks of humanitarian aid and supplies were transferred into the Gaza Strip today via the Kerem Shalom and Sufa Crossings: 63 trucks through the Sufa Crossing containing: fruit, rice, sugar, dairy products, meat, fish, flour, garlic, medicine, cocoa powder, carrot, yeast, hatching eggs.

 37 trucks through the Kerem Shalom Crossing containing: rice, sugar, coffee, oil, flour, pasta, tea, toilet paper, cleaning products, diapers, medicine.

April 2, 2008

 Approximately 111 trucks of humanitarian aid and supplies were transferred into the Gaza Strip today via the Kerem Shalom, Sufa and Karni Crossings: 59 trucks through the Sufa Crossing containing: fruit, rice, sugar, dairy products, garlic, meat, flour, paper, medicine, salt, meat preservatives, cocoa powder, fish, pasta and yeast.

 27 trucks through the Karni Crossing containing: wheat and construction materials.

 25 trucks through the Kerem Shalom Crossing containing: school equipment, shampoo, toilet paper, washing powder, soap, diapers, oil, rice and wet wipes.

April 1, 2008

 Approximately 138 trucks of humanitarian aid and supplies were transferred into the Gaza Strip today via the Kerem Shalom, Sufa and Karni Crossings: 51 trucks through the Karni Crossing containing: wheat, sesame, corn, coffee, soy.

 56 trucks through the Sufa Crossing containing: fruit, rice, sugar, dairy products, meat, fish, flour, carrot, garlic, pasta, cleaning products, school books.

 18 trucks through the Kerem Shalom Crossing containing: soap, rice, meat, oil, sugar, coffee, animal vitamins.

 13 trucks donated by Egypt, through the Kerem Shalom Crossing containing rice and sugar.

 In addition, 746,000 liters (15 tankers) of fuel and 273 tons of heating gas (11 tankers) were transported through the Nahal Oz Crossing.

March 30, 2008

 Approximately 78 trucks of humanitarian aid and supplies were transferred into the Gaza Strip today via Kerem Shalom and Sufa Crossings: 57 trucks through the Sufa Crossing containing: powdered milk, dairy products, sugar, cleaning products, washing powder, fruit, rice, fish, meat, flour, coffee, vitamins, carrots, garlic and reproduction eggs.

 21 trucks through the Kerem Shalom Crossing containing: washing powder, cleaning products, oil, nylon, plastic bags, diapers, hygiene products, jam, shampoo and medicine.

 In addition, 687,000 liters (15 tankers) of fuel and 300 tons of heating gas (12 tankers) were transported through the Nahal Oz Crossing.

March 28, 2008

 A total of 502 tons of humanitarian aid and fuel were transported.

 Sufa Crossing - 18 trucks were unloaded.

 Kerem Shalom Crossing - 24 trucks were unloaded.

March 26, 2008

 139 trucks of humanitarian aid and supplies were transferred into the Gaza Strip today: 43 trucks via the Karni crossing grain conveyor carrying 1,548 tons of wheat, barley, corn, soy and animal feed.

 64  trucks through the Sufa Crossing containing: sugar, powdered milk, bananas, dairy products, meat/fish, fruit, carrots, salt, coffee, flour, rice, garlic, frozen vegetables, medical equipment.

 22 trucks through the Kerem Shalom Crossing containing: oil, pasta, rice, sugar, coffee, ketchup, mayonnaise, soap, diapers, shampoo, toilet paper.

 691,000 liters (15 tankers) of fuel and 282 tons of heating gas (11 tankers) were transported through the Nahal Oz Crossing.

 In addition, 86 people (patients and companions) crossed into Israel for medical treatment via the Erez crossing.

March 25, 2008

 Approximately 149 trucks of humanitarian aid and supplies were transferred into the Gaza Strip today via the Kerem Shalom, Sufa and Karni Crossings: 26 trucks through the Kerem Shalom Crossing and 49 trucks through the Sufa Crossing containing: cocoa, powered milk, jam, oil, peas, tissue, diapers, toilet paper, medical supplies.

 65 trucks through the Karni Crossing containing: wheat, corn, sesame, grains.

 58 trucks through the Sufa Crossing containing: dairy products, sugar, fruit, meat, rice, flour, oil, carrots, pasta, garlic, fish, reproduction eggs, salt, tea, medical supplies, ketchup, vegetables.

 In addition, 668,000 liters (14 tankers) of fuel and 356 tons of heating gas (12 tankers) were transported through the Nahal Oz Crossing.

March 24, 2008

 Approximately 164 trucks of humanitarian aid and supplies were transferred into the Gaza Strip today via the Kerem Shalom, Sufa and Karni Crossings: 37 trucks through the Kerem Shalom Crossing and 49 trucks through the Sufa Crossing containing: rice, fruit, fish, meat, chicken, dairy products, salt, sugar, flour, oil, medicine.

 5 trucks donated by Egypt, through the Kerem Shalom Crossing containing: flour and rice.

 73 trucks through the Karni Crossing containing: wheat, corn, sesame, grains.

 In addition, 651,000 liters (14 tankers) of fuel and 326 tons of heating gas (11 tankers) were transported through the Nahal Oz Crossing.

March 23, 2008

 Approximately 74 trucks of humanitarian aid and supplies were transferred into the Gaza Strip today via the Kerem Shalom and Sufa Crossings: 24 trucks through the Kerem Shalom Crossing containing: reproduction eggs, frozen vegetables, dairy products, fish, meat, beans, halvah, toilet paper, and diapers.

 50 trucks through the Sufa Crossing containing: coffee, rice, flour, salt, sugar, peas, fruit, and oil.

March 20, 2008

 Approximately 112 trucks of humanitarian aid and supplies were transferred into the Gaza Strip today via the Kerem Shalom and Karni Crossings: 45 trucks through the Kerem Shalom Crossing containing toilet paper, medical supplies, electronic supplies, oil, meat, frozen vegetables, flour, and fruit.

 67 trucks through the Karni Crossing containing wheat and corn.

March 19, 2008

 Approximately 39 trucks of humanitarian aid and supplies were transferred into the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom Crossing containing: diapers, toilet paper, medical supplies, oil, pasta, fish, meat, frozen vegetables, rice and tea.

March 18, 2008

 A total of 3,401 tons of humanitarian aid and fuel were transported.

 79 trucks through the Karni Crossing conveyer containing: wheat, corn and animal feed.

 Kerem Shalom Crossing - 34 trucks were unloaded.

 In addition, 635,000 liters (14 tankers) of fuel and 242 tons of heating gas (12 tankers) were transported through the Nahal Oz Crossing.

March 17, 2008

 Approximately 147 trucks of humanitarian aid and supplies were transferred into the Gaza Strip today via the Kerem Shalom, Sufa and Karni Crossings: 55 trucks through the Sufa Crossing containing: meat, fruit, sugar, diapers, flour, peas, oil, carrot, coffee, fish, rice, garlic.

 64 trucks through the Karni Crossing containing: wheat, grains, sesame, corn, barley.

 8 trucks through the Kerem Shalom Crossing containing: diapers, toilet paper, tea, soup, medication, blankets and 20 trucks of food donated by Egypt.

March 16, 2008

 Approximately 65 trucks of humanitarian aid and supplies were transferred into the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom and Sufa Crossings: 11 trucks through the Kerem Shalom Crossing containing: toilet paper and diapers.

 54 trucks through the Sufa Crossing containing: sugar, flour, salt, fruit, powdered milk, hatching eggs, cocoa, ketchup, mayonnaise, & food preservatives.

 In addition, 679,000 liters (15 tankers) of fuels and 334 tons of heating gas (12 tankers) were transported through the Nahal Oz Crossing.

March 14, 2008

 20 trucks of humanitarian aid and supplies with a total weight of 301 tons were transferred into the Gaza Strip today via the Kerem Shalom Crossing containing: vitamins, diapers, toilet paper, fruit, oil, frozen meat, tea, coffee, powdered milk, hatching eggs, corn, pasta, carrots and tahini.

March 13, 2008

 Approximately 152 trucks of humanitarian aid and supplies were transferred into the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom, Sufa and Karni Crossings: 59 trucks through Sufa Crossing containing: meat, fruit, sugar, bananas, flour, coffee, garlic, oil, pasta, carrots.

 73 trucks through the Karni Crossing conveyer containing: wheat, grains, barley.

 20 trucks through the Kerem Shalom Crossing containing: diapers, pasta, tea, oil, toilet paper, fish, medicine, meat preservatives.

March 12, 2008

 A total of 1,567 tons of humanitarian aid and fuel were transported.

 Sufa Crossing - 54 trucks were unloaded.

 Kerem Shalom Crossing - 22 trucks were unloaded.

 In addition, 640,000 liters (14 tankers) of fuel and 248 tons of heating gas (14 tankers) were transported through the Nahal Oz Crossing.

March 11, 2008

 A total of 3,877 tons of humanitarian aid and fuel were transported.

 Sufa Crossing - 72 trucks were unloaded.

 Kerem Shalom Crossing - 21 trucks were unloaded.

 Karni Crossing conveyer - 61 trucks were unloaded (2,800 tons of wheat, legumes, corn and animal feed) In addition, 695,000 liters (15 tankers) of fuel and 320 tons of heating gas (12 tankers) were transported through the Nahal Oz Crossing.

March 10, 2008

 A total of 3,810 tons of humanitarian aid and fuel were transported.

 Sufa Crossing - 59 trucks were unloaded.

 Kerem Shalom Crossing - 5 trucks were unloaded.

 Karni Crossing conveyer - 81 trucks were unloaded (2,800 tons of wheat, legumes, sesame seeds, corn and animal feed) In addition, 695,000 liters (15 tankers) of fuel and 320 tons of heating gas (12 tankers) were transported through the Nahal Oz Crossing.

March 9, 2008

 A total of 1,248 tons of humanitarian aid and fuel were transported.

 Sufa Crossing - 55 trucks were unloaded.

 Kerem Shalom Crossing - 23 trucks were unloaded.

 In addition, 681,000 liters (15 tankers) of fuel and 272 tons of heating gas (13 tankers) were transported through the Nahal Oz Crossing.

March 7, 2008

 A total of 906 tons of humanitarian aid and fuel were transported.

 Sufa Crossing - 30 trucks were unloaded.

 Kerem Shalom Crossing - 8 trucks were unloaded.

 In addition, 225 tons of heating gas (10 tankers) were transported through the Nahal Oz Crossing.

March 6, 2008

 About 160 trucks of humanitarian aid and supplies are being transferred into the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom, Karni and Sufa Crossings.

 63 trucks passed through Sufa Crossing containing: flour, fruit, sugar, cooking oil, frozen meat and fish.

 19 trucks (donated by Egypt) passed through Kerem Shalom Crossing containing: rice, sugar, oil and dairy products.

 Approximately 80 trucks passed through the Karni Crossing containing grain.

March 5, 2008

 About 70 trucks of humanitarian aid and supplies were transferred into the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom and Sufa Crossings: 63 trucks passed through the Sufa Crossing containing: fruit, sugar, humus, flour, coffee, baby formula and oxygen masks.

 6 trucks passed through the Kerem Shalom crossing containing: oil, flour, beans and tomato sauce.

 In addition, 25 Palestinians entered Israel for medical treatment in Israeli hospitals.


March 2008

 About 160 trucks of humanitarian aid and supplies were transferred into the Gaza Strip via the Karni and Sufa crossings, as well as the reopened Kerem Shalom crossing.

 Sufa Crossing: 12 trucks of medicines and medical supplies (including one UNRWA truck) 9 trucks of meat, fish and frozen vegetables 8 trucks of fruit 7 trucks of flour, oil and sugar 5 trucks of dairy products 18 trucks of flour, oil and humus donated by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Kerem Shalom Crossing: 8 trucks of sugar 2 trucks of rice 4 trucks of oil 4 trucks of rice and oil 4 trucks of rice and sugar Karni Crossing: 80 trucks of grain

March 3, 2008

 A total of 4,073 tons of humanitarian aid and fuel were transported.

 Sufa Crossing - 60 trucks were unloaded.

 Karni Crossing conveyer - 76 trucks were unloaded (2,700 tons of wheat and animal feed) In addition, 1,014 liters (21 tankers) of fuels and  300 tons of heating gas (7 tankers) were transported through the Nahal Oz Crossing.

March 2, 2008

 A total of 1,152 tons of humanitarian aid and fuel were transported.

 Sufa Crossing - 55 trucks were unloaded.

 In addition, 918,000 liters (19 tankers) of fuel and 169 tons of heating gas (7 tankers) were transported through the Nahal Oz Crossing.

February 29, 2008

 400,000 liters (18 tankers) of fuels were transported through the Nahal Oz Crossing.

 February 27, 2008

 A total of 3,924 tons of humanitarian aid and supplies were transported.

 Sufa Crossing - 60 trucks were unloaded.

 Karni Crossing conveyer - 73 trucks were unloaded (2,600 tons of wheat and animal feed)

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