Saturday, May 24, 2008

Iran: Mahmoud is mad and I'm glad

Syria's vehement denial that it would cut its ties with Iran is beside the point. The very mention of peace talks with Israel drives a wedge between Iran and Syria. Assad had to know that would be the result of the announcement.
Mahmoud is mad
And I'm glad
And I know what will please him
A bottle of Arak to make him shine
and Bashar Assad to squeeze him
Ami Isseroff


Sources close to Iranian president tell London-based al-Sharq al-Awsat newspaper he did not hide discontent, amazement after being informed of negotiations between Damascus, Jerusalem. 'This is a violation of the mutual commitments between the two countries, and Tehran will prepare an appropriate response,' source says
Roee Nahmias Published:  05.23.08, 17:01 / Israel News 
The joint statement issued simultaneously Wednesday in Jerusalem, Damascus and Ankara on the resumption of mediated talks between Israel and Syria has raised tensions between Tehran and Damascus, the London-based Arabic-language newspaper al-Sharq al-Awsat reported Friday.
According to sources close to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the latter did not hide his discontent and amazement after receiving detailed information on the secret talks held between Syria and Israel.
This took place only several weeks after Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Moallem paid a visit to Tehran, during which Ahmadinejad attempted to strengthen the "bear hug" around Syria's neck.
The Iranian leader warned Moallem and the moderate Arab states that whoever will join the United States will be doomed along with Washington.
A source noted that Ahmadinejad referred to the developments as "a Damascus violation of the mutual commitments between Syria and Iran."

It was also reported that the Iranian Supreme National Security Council will look into the message relayed by Damascus in regards to its talks with Israel, in order "to prepare an appropriate response."
On Thursday, Damascus rejected Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni's demand that Syria distance itself from terror organizations, including Hamas and Hizbullah. Syrian Information Minister Muhsin Bilal said that "when they make these demands, they are setting conditions and the issue of peace, the peace process does not require prior conditions."
Following the publication of the Israel-Syria talks Wednesday, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said he had no illusions regarding the negotiations with Damascus.

"The negotiations will not be easy or simple and the process will involve difficult concessions," he said during an event at the Kibbutz College of Education, adding however that "in situations like this it is always better to talk than to shoot and I am happy both sides here have decided to talk."

1 comment:

  1. Iran and Change

    Iranian people, very much like our own American people, will support their government when their nation is verbally and physically attacked. Our American people reacted with strong nationalism in support of President George Bush following September 11 attack.

    Our present policy using the financial leverage and threat of physical attack has backfired over the last 20 years. This policy has promoted an opposite effect to the response we had anticipated; it has mobilized Iranian people in support of their government. We have been confused between our own national interests and those of Israeli Lobby.

    Senator Obama has recognized that the present hostility of our government toward Iranian people will not create a positive response. Iranian people all along have expressed their friendship toward the American people; while strongly have rejected the bullying policy toward their country.

    Dialogue and frank diplomacy will create a positive response from Iranian people.

    Iranian system at present is based on a brand of Islamic religion; it has been based on this religion since 14 century. A non-religious society has to grow from the rank of Iranians who live in Iran and fight for the Iranian people. To change the society, first you must educate the masses. Iranian revolution was not imposed from outside of Iran, it started from Iranian people who were disfranchised by the excess of the rich ruling class in Iran.

    Prior to the 1979 Iran could not produce a single sewing machine needle; everything had to be imported from outside of Iran. In spite of her great oil wealth, few Iranians could afford simple things in life. Iran had very few Universities. In contrast, today Iran, may not be at par with what she should be, is proud and dynamic society. We Americans when we don’t like our system or our policy, we work hard to change it. Good Iranians would not ask the United State government to kill thousands of Iranian people and change their system so that the wealthy Iranians in the United States could go back to Iran and be again at their villas and expensive mansions.

    Please read my blogs:

    Are We Victim of Regional Politics: Israel, Arabs and Iran

    Arabs, Israel and Iran: Stop War

    What kind of Middle East do we want?

    And visit my Web My America the Beautiful
