Monday, March 24, 2008

The labor of hate - anti-Semitism in Russia

It so happened that soon after finishing the Russian parents, beware post, I have received a link to a Russian-made movie made sometime in 2005. Seeing its first few frames, I was inclined to quit immediately. After all, the title of the movie is "Russia stubbed in the back" (precise translation is "Russia with a knife in the back"), its subtitle is "Jewish Fascism and the genocide of the Russian people".

But seeing the surprised reaction of some friends who considered the case described in
"Russian parents, beware" to be a singular outbreak of anti-Semitic plague, I have decided to give the movie my full attention. If only to show that the blood libel episode described in that post is only a symptom of a much more serious malady that continues to eat its way into the very heart of Russia, that great and unfortunate nation that for so many years cannot find its way to true democracy and true freedom.

The movie clearly shows that:
  1. The blood libel case is only a single incident in a well-organized anti-Semitic campaign
  2. The campaigners are numerous and occupy positions of power and influence in modern Russia
  3. The worst and more revolting incidents in rich Russian tradition of anti-Semitic libel are alive and well, being tirelessly revived
It is with heavy heart that I come to this task.

See the full text (three posts) here.

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