Sunday, March 30, 2008

Israel to Remove West Bank Roadblocks, Ease Travel

I hope that one consequence of issuing entrance permits to Israel will not mean terrorist attacks.

March 30 (Bloomberg) -- Israel agreed today to remove about 50 roadblocks in the West Bank, reduce waiting time at checkpoints and issue more entrance permits for Palestinian workers.

``The two parties have agreed to a set of steps that constitute a very good start to improving movement and access, improving potential economic prospects for Palestinians,'' U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice told reporters in Jerusalem.

Rice -- in Israel for her second time in a month -- is trying a new peacemaking approach inaugurated at the U.S.- sponsored Annapolis conference in November. The plan is to persuade Israel to improve living conditions in the West Bank and train Palestinian security forces while the sides work out the details of a final peace agreement.



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