Sunday, March 23, 2008

About Geert Wilders' anti-Islam film - Judge for yourself

Geert Wilders's film about Islam has stirred up a controversy. Network solutions has decided they would not host a Web site advertising the film.

About Fitna, the Netherlands and Wilders

Very rarely has a film sparked off as much pre-release controversy as Dutch MP Geert Wilder's 'Fitna,the movie'. Even without knowing what's in it, 'Fitna' has got the world asking questions. Questions about the man who made it and his motives, about the country he lives in where his film is allowed. Questions about that country's government – which issues warnings about the film but does nothing to stop it. And questions about the position of Muslims in The Netherlands. The central character in this film is also struggling with these questions, and decides to travel to The Netherlands in search of answers.

Here's a film about Wilders' film, from Netherlands Radio.
And here is a selection of recent articles about Geert Wilders.

1 comment:

  1. Wilders Movie Website, Network Solutions, Caving into Radical Islam.

    Website is down: "This site has been suspended while Network Solutions is investigating whether the site's content is in violation of the Network Solutions Acceptable Use Policy. Network Solutions has received a number of complaints regarding this site that are under investigation. Read more:

    Muslims Against Sharia neither endorse nor condemn "Fitna"; we have not seen the film. However, we find it disturbing that Network Solution suspended "Fitna" website while hosting a multitude of radical Islamic websites, some of which belong to (or are closely affiliated with) terrorist groups.
