Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Morocco's forgotten Amazigh and the Jews

This is welcome news.
Second Berber-Jewish Friendship Association In Morocco
Amazigh (Berber) activists in the Rif region in northern Morocco are planning to announce the formation of a new Amazigh-Jewish friendship association next week, on February 14.
Opponents to the idea say it is a move for normalization with Israel.
Responding to critics, Amazigh Democratic Party president Ahmed Adghrini said that Morocco already has many contacts with Israel, but that some think that such contacts should be a government monopoly, adding, "We have broken through this blockade."
The association will be the second of its king; last year, a simlar body was formed in the Souss region in the south of the country.
Source: www.alarabiya.net, February 5, 2008
Posted at: 2008-02-05

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