Sunday, January 20, 2008

Participants in Islamist Forums Discuss Proposal for Terrorist Attack in Paris

On January 4, 2008, the Islamist forum Al-Ekhlas ( ), hosted by NOC4Hosts Inc. in Florida, USA), posted a message by a participant calling himself Al-Murabit Al-Muwahhid ("The Monotheistic Jihad Fighter"), discussing the possible benefit of a terrorist attack in Paris. The writer speculated that such an attack would bring about the collapse of the French economy, and serve as a warning to other European countries "which are collaborating in the war against the Muslim countries." He added that the attack would also break the "security siege" on the Muslim population of France, and would enable the establishment of terrorist cells that would operate in the capitals of neighboring European countries. After providing a list of possible targets - major sites and tourist attractions in Paris - the writer elaborated on the possible results of the attack and how they would benefit the global jihad campaign.

The posting evoked numerous responses, mostly practical suggestions regarding the type of attack, possible targets, etc.

The following are excerpts from Al-Murabit Al-Muwahhid's posting and from some of the responses.

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