Sunday, January 13, 2008

Bush: Iran- leading sponsor of world terror - threat to world security

Bush: Iran threat to world security     
George Bush, the US president, has described Iran as the "leading state sponsor of world terror" that must be confronted "before its too late".
Speaking in Abu Dhabi on the last day of his four-day tour of the Middle East, the US president accused Tehran of undermining peace in Lebanon, sending arms to the Taliban, defying the UN and destabilising the entire Middle East.
"Iran is today the world's leading state sponsor of terror. It sends hundreds of millions of dollars to extremists around the world while its own people face repression and economic hardship at home," Bush said on Sunday during a speech on the third stop of his tour of Arab allies in the Gulf.
"Iran's actions threaten the security of nations everywhere, so the United States is strengthening our long-standing security commitments with our friends in the Gulf and rallying friends around the world to confront this danger before it is too late."
Bush tried to appeal directly to Iranians saying they had a  right to live under a government "that listens to your wishes".
'Rich culture'
"To the people of Iran, you're rich in culture and talent. You have the right to live under a government that listens to your wishes, respects your talents and allows you to build better lives for your families," he said.
"Unfortunately your government denies you these opportunities and threatens the peace and stability of your neighbours."
The attack on Iran was accompanied by praise of "democratisation efforts" in the Gulf and he has begun his speech by calling on Palestinians to reject "extremists".
Although he did not mention Hamas by name, observers regarded his remarks referred to the the group currently in control of the Gaza Strip.
"This new era is being built with the understanding that power is a trust that must be exercised with the consent of the governed," Bush said during what was the keynote speech of his four-day tour of the Middle east in the opulent Emirates Palace hotel.

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