Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Barak: Israel should launch its own peace initiative

Quote: "Defense Minister Ehud Barak supports a comprehensive peace initiative that would include promoting a peace agreement with Syria, Ynet has learned Monday evening.

Barak has told his associates in recent days that only such an initiative could stop other peace plans, like the Arab peace initiative, from being forced on Israel.

According to the defense minister, the issue of talks with the Syrians should be reexamined, and a change of policy may lead to positive results. He stressed that with Syria, "the price is known and the outcome important."

"Why not have an Israeli initiative?" Barak asked his aides. "Why shouldn't we stipulate out interests, what we want, what we are willing to give, and then launch our own peace plan as a starting point for negotiations?" he

A very good suggestion, but why didn't he do it in 2000? Why hasn't Israel ever laid out at least minimal requirements for a peace agreement? How is it that after all this time, Saeeb Erekat still doesn't understand that "peace" requires that the Arabs accept Israel as the state of the Jewish people?
Ami Isseroff

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