Friday, September 28, 2007

Who is starving Gaza??

Next time you read about the evil Zionists who are starving the poor residents of Gaza, and who do not want peace,  consider this:
Most of the 54 mortars fired Wednesday landed near the Sufa crossing terminal. The mortars fired Thursday by Hamas militants targeted crossing points at Eretz and Kerem Shalom. There has also been a great deal of intelligence on Hamas' plans to target the crossing points into Gaza.
As such, a paradox has emerged in which the Israeli government, the U.S. and Fatah believe that by exerting greater pressure on the Gaza Strip's residents, the people will overthrow the Hamas regime there, while the Islamic group is doing its best to shut down the crossings - perhaps assuming that if the civilians suffer more, they will side with Hamas.
Senior Hamas officials deny that they intend this. Ismail Haniyeh says Hamas is interested in opening the crossings, but he was hard-pressed to explain the obvious attempt by Hamas militants to destroy the crossings.
"The military wing decides its targets in an effort to bring an end to the siege over the Strip," he told Haaretz.
But how is shooting at the crossings expected to contribute to lifting the siege? Only Hamas seems to know the answer.
Among the militants continuing the attacks are those encouraged by Iran. As for Hamas, it is keeping to the limits it has set for itself: It claims responsibility for the mortar attacks, but the Qassam attacks are being outsourced to other groups it supports.
These attacks are expected to intensify as we close in on the summit scheduled to take place in Washington in November.
Every time there is movement toward peace, the attacks intensify. What is the conclusion?
Ami Isseroff

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