Sunday, September 30, 2007

UCU boycott demise - credit where credit is due

Being happy about the ignominious demise of the UCU boycott "enterprise", we cannot fail to notice that some people and organizations are trying to jump on the bandwagon to get some of the glory. To quote (in translation) that article in NRG-Maariv:
The decision to rescind the boycott is a result of the effort by Jewish organizations and academicians and the Israeli embassy in London.... The Israeli Ambassador, Zvi Heifetz, expressed his satisfaction by this decision, after working a lot during the recent months to defeat this threat. He met with Sally Hunt, the UCU president, heads of universities in England, Scotland and even [sic!] in Northern Ireland to recruit their support.
And more of the same. With all due respect to the unnamed Jewish organizations, academicians and the (named) Israeli embassy, who indeed invested some effort into the fight, all that effort and all that fight would have been in vain but for the Engage team, lead by David Hirsh, Jon Pike and Jane Ashworth (and so many others I commit a crime by not mentioning).

So, ladies and gentlemen - let's not jump on that bandwagon, please - it is carrying only the people who belong there by rights. In short - cut the bullshit, OK?

Cross-posted on SimplyJews.


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