Sunday, August 12, 2007

Israel-Palestinian peace negotiations: Wheel is turning, Hamster may be dead

The text says:
Israel and the Palestinians have been trying to work out differences blocking the resumption of peace talks ever since moderate Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas expelled the militant Hamas from government in June, in the wake of the Islamic group's violent takeover of the Gaza Strip.

The United States is prodding the sides to renew negotiations and has set a meeting of regional leaders for the fall. Prime Minister Ehud Olmert met Abbas in Jericho last week.
Indeed. There are only a few minor problems to be worked out, like how Abbas will control violence, and how Olmert will get his government to evict settlers from even one illegal outpost, let alone the entire West Bank or large parts of it. Also, there is the matter of Abbas's plan to flood Israel with three million Palestinian refugees or so. That shouldn't be a problem, right? I mean everyone would want to have Al-Qaeda members from Lebanon as their neighbors, wouldn't you? And anyone would jump at the deal to get a country so small it makes tiny Israel look big. Wouldn't you like to live there?  And anyone would love to have as their neighbors the nice Hamas movement, which is in the habit of lobbing rockets at towns across the border, and occasionally cuts people up into steaks and sends the steaks to their families. Bon appetit
I guess nobody will be running out to take any of those deals after all, so it is not surprising that the peace non-process is all talk.
Doron Rosenblum comments: Even the spin has become tired. Nobody here believes any of it. Neither Palestinians nor Israelis. Apathy reigns in the summer heat. The implication however, cannot be ignored. The US needs a peace deal, or some progress to present at the upcoming peace conference. A peace conference without a peace deal will be a catastrophe for all forces of reason in the Middle East, and a victory for Syria, Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah. Springtime for Nasrallah and Ahmadinejad.
Ami Isseroff

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