Saturday, August 18, 2007

Al Qaeda Dislocates US Security Plan by Genocidal Massacre

Four suicide bombers in a single attack in Iraq kill aproximately the same number of persons as the earthquake in Peru: 500.

This time, Al Qaeda in Iraq selected a tiny, isolated, unprotected community of some 150,000 Yazidi Kurds, persecuted by Sunni and Shiite Muslims alike, as the victims of its barbarity. Tuesday, Aug. 14, within minutes, three oil tankers driven by suicide bombers had murdered at least 500 people, injured more than 1,000 and transformed an ancient indigenous Iraqi sect into a humanitarian problem.

While rescuers were still digging bodies out of the rubble of their destroyed homes in Qataniya and Adnaniya near Mosul, tens of thousands snatched their remaining belongings and streamed to the Syrian border.

Complete article: Al Qaeda Dislocates US Security Plan by Genocidal Massacre

Thomas Braun, Lima, Peru.


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