Wednesday, August 22, 2007

9-11 Getting away with murder

The  CIA Report on 9/11 Is Complete, and you might get to read it, (released Tuesday) but it will have no effect whatever. It reveals gross incompetence on the part of US intelligence officials, but none of them will suffer any consequences, nor will there be any reform of US intelligence operations:
Officials said Goss could establish additional procedures to deal with any systemic problems uncovered in the report. Or he could send the IG report to the Hill, noting the many changes that have already been made, and indicate that many of the senior officials at the time of the attacks have left the agency.
Some present and former agency officials have been upset that four years after the attacks, the CIA is still being criticized despite having been the loudest voice in government to warn Presidents Bill Clinton and Bush of the terrorist threat.
"What about Congress and the White House not paying attention, or even the Federal Aviation Administration?" one former agency official asked yesterday.

Yeah, what about the other guy? Actually, Director Tenet told congress there was no threat from Al-Qaeda. It is not clear why he lied, but he did. So did FBI head Freeh. Isn't it incredible that 6 years after the event, the CIA has still not studied the problems thoroughly or instituted any reforms? "Officials said Goss could establish additional procedures to deal with any systemic problems uncovered in the report." Shouldn't that have been done in 2002? If something like 9-11 happens, it may be due to negligence. But if no steps are taken to prevent a recurrence, isn't it certainly criminal negligence?
Draw your own conclusions.
Ami Isseroff

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