Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Twenty British lawmakers want to engage Hamas after its help in freeing BBC reporter Alan Johnston in Gaza

Idiocy at its best.
July 6, 2007, 7:48 PM (GMT+02:00)
BBC reporter Alan Johnston freed in Gaza July 4

BBC reporter Alan Johnston freed in Gaza July 4

They include MPs from all three parties including Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond. Their petition said Hamas because of its pivotal role in ending the kidnap should join Palestinian reconciliation efforts. The motion was tabled by the ruling Labor's Richard Burton. Hamas is boycotted by western powers as an extremist terrorist group dedicated to destroying Israel by violence. The Israeli soldier Gilead Shalit whom Hamas-led raiders kidnapped a year ago is still in captivity.

The reporter, who was freed Tuesday night, described his ordeal as a hostage in solitary confinement for 114 days like being "buried alive."

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