Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Stop Iran - Who is worried?

"Without 'fear' tackle Tehran " - Is that headline from the N.Y. Sun, or the Washington Times, the N.Y. Post, Israel National News or Front Page Magazine? What do you think? Was the article written by a born again Christian Neocon or a Zionist settler (From Brooklyn - all Zionists are from Brooklyn, right? and they are all religious of course).  Here is what this Islamophobic son of dogs and pigs and apes writes:
After Hamas, using weapons, separated Gaza from the West Bank, the Palestinian issue has become a property of Tehran. By seizing control of Nouri Al-Maliki's government Iran has made Iraq a pawn in its hands. As a result Iran is in a position where it can match the presence of the Unites States in Iraq. In other words, Tehran will gain complete control over Iraq when the US-led coalition forces leave Iraqi soil. The issue of Lebanon, which is fighting for freedom, sovereignty and independence, has also become a trump card for Iran due to Hezbollah which played the role of a Trojan horse in allowing Tehran's influence sneak into the Lebanese fort.
The battle is no longer between Iran and the United States. It now includes Iran, Israel and all Arab countries on the question of the stolen rights of Arabs. Whenever the US forces Iran into a corner over its nuclear programme, Tehran works hard to shift this battle to Arab countries. All Arab countries, except Syria, are convinced that Iran has stolen their issues.
Who is this intruder in the placid Middle East, who dares to write such things about the beloved Islamic Republic of Iran?? Who is trying to sunder the monolithic unity of the great Arabic Ouma? Is it Victor Hanson perhaps, or Alan Dershowitz, or maybe it is Dennis Ross? Perhaps it is someone like John Hagee? Fuad Ajami?
No, my friends, it is Ahmed Al-Jarallah, editor in chief of the Arab Times in Saudi Arabia.
It is worth reading the whole article, so here is the rest of it, and you can write and thank him:
THE entire Arab world is in danger after becoming the epicenter of Iran's policies. Iranian dictator Ayatollah Ali Khameini's aggressive policies confirm our fears. Many issues, which concern only Arabs, have now fallen into the hands of Iran. After Hamas, using weapons, separated Gaza from the West Bank, the Palestinian issue has become a property of Tehran. By seizing control of Nouri Al-Maliki's government Iran has made Iraq a pawn in its hands. As a result Iran is in a position where it can match the presence of the Unites States in Iraq. In other words, Tehran will gain complete control over Iraq when the US-led coalition forces leave Iraqi soil. The issue of Lebanon, which is fighting for freedom, sovereignty and independence, has also become a trump card for Iran due to Hezbollah which played the role of a Trojan horse in allowing Tehran's influence sneak into the Lebanese fort.
Currently Iran is trying to extend its aggressive policies to all Gulf countries and Egypt in a bid to use this economically vital region as an ace up its sleeve in its negotiations with the United States, when the time comes. This raises the question: why are Arab countries not taking any steps or holding a summit to wrest control of these issues, which essentially belong to them? Arab countries have not done anything except send Secretary General of the Arab League Amr Mussa to Lebanon where he achieved nothing. Leaders of all Arab countries should hold a summit to prevent Iran from stealing Arab issues. They should tell Tehran to focus on its internal affairs instead of interfering in the affairs of other countries.
The battle is no longer between Iran and the United States. It now includes Iran, Israel and all Arab countries on the question of the stolen rights of Arabs. Whenever the US forces Iran into a corner over its nuclear programme, Tehran works hard to shift this battle to Arab countries. All Arab countries, except Syria, are convinced that Iran has stolen their issues. Iran policies, which were active in Palestine, Iraq and Lebanon are now expanding to cover Egypt and Gulf states. We cannot forget the three islands which rightfully belong to the United Arab Emirates, the recent assault on a Kuwaiti diplomat in Tehran or who made the Palestinians die twice — once at the hands of Israelis and the second time at the hands of their own brothers. Are these reasons not enough for the holding of an Arab Summit to hit the head of the snake in Tehran without any fear?
Ami Isseroff

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