Friday, July 27, 2007

Iraq: Another day, another bomb

The news from Iraq is not good:
Blast Kills at Least 25 in Long-Secure Baghdad Neighborhood

BAGHDAD, July 26 -- A car bomb tore through a crowded market in central Baghdad on Thursday evening, killing at least 25 people and injuring 110, police said.
A cloud of black smoke rose over much of the city after the explosion, which set a three-story apartment building on fire. Police said many of the victims were women shopping for food or clothing.

The explosion was the latest in a string of car bombs in Karrada, a largely Shiite district long considered one of Baghdad's safest neighborhoods. More than 50 people have been killed in seven car bomb attacks in the neighborhood this month. There was no significant violence in Karrada in June, police records show.

Seven Iraqis were killed Thursday by a car bomb in the northern city of Kirkuk, police said. A
roadside bomb killed five Iraqi police officers between Hilla and Diwaniyah, south of Baghdad.
All in a day's work. There is absolutely no purpose served by making believe this is not happening, and hoping that nobody will notice.
Ami Isseroff

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