Saturday, July 14, 2007

Bahrainis don't want to be a province of Iran

Bahrainis are protesting against an Iranian claim that their country is a province of Iran:
More than 500 Bahrainis gathered outside the Iranian Embassy in Bahrain
yesterday to protest against comments by a hardline Iranian journalist that
the Gulf Arab state belongs to Iran.

Sunni clerics and lawmakers were among the mostly Sunni Muslim protesters
who chanted anti-Iranian slogans.

"This is a message to Iran not to infringe on Bahrain's sovereignty,"
protest organiser Mohammed AlMarran said. "We, the nation of Bahrain, have
been an Arab Muslim country from the dawn of Islam."

Manama said it was seeking an explanation from Tehran over an article by
Hossein Shariatmadari, editor of the leading hardline daily Kayhan, that
said Bahrain was a province of non-Arab Shi'ite Iran, and that Bahrainis
were demanding the island's return to its "native land".

Iran's embassy has distanced itself from Shariatmadari's article and said
Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki would address the issue during a
trip to the tiny kingdom. It was not clear whether the row triggered the

Hey, maybe it was just a typo.
Ami Isseroff

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you posted about this, as it hasn't seemed to have gotten much press in US media. I also wrote about it in my Weekend Wrapup. It seems that we may have some similar positions, so I was wondering if you wanted to blogroll. Please visit my site, Cafe Cordover, and let me know if you want to exchange links.

    -Adam B. Cordover
