Sunday, July 22, 2007

Another canard bites the dust: Iran-Syria pact is probably fiction

According to Ha'aretz , Iran has denied a  reported accord with Syria on military and nuclear aid. The report, that had appeared in London  Asharq Al-Awsat, had expatiated on a billion dollars in aid that Syria was to get from Iran, in return for not holding peace talks with Israel. The aid would supposedly purchase a huge list of military supplies from Russia: 400 Russian tanks, 18 MIG-31 fighter jets, and more, which cost much more than a billion dollars. Experts had expressed skepticism. Now the report has been denied.
"Such reports are media propaganda for targeting the excellent ties between Iran and Syria," Foreign Ministry Spokesman Mohammad-Ali Hosseini said.
Minister of Strategic Threats Avigdor Lieberman reacted to the report by calling for the establishment of an emergency national unity government. Now he will need to find a different excuse.
Ami Isseroff

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